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賭業併購 贏面不夠

正所謂風水輪流轉,英國博彩公司William Hill一年前嘗試收購網上賭博服務商888 Holdings,現 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年07月27日

PLA Hong Kong faces criticism over signage on ambulance

...  Gun Club Hill Barracks in Jordan, people who live in the neighborhood may have to put up with more confusion with regard to the ambulance. -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/AC/RC ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-25

Lexington Hill如居半山
頂層複式 視野開揚

... Lexington Hill正是區內新貴,為全廈只得兩個的連天台複式單位。 位於堅尼地城卑路乍街的Lexing ...全文


區內筍盤減 買賣拉鋸

中原地產高級分行經理黃小江表示,Lexington Hill 6月共有兩宗買賣,7月暫未有成交,最近一宗成交於 ...全文



... 0米高的Tower Hill,Tower Hill有一個圓頂山和一系列的山肩,沿着山肩兩旁飛可以不停地飛直至太 ...全文


言詞粗鄙有建設性 特朗普當選無懸念

... 山莊月刊》(The Hill),去年一月二十一日一篇特稿,估計起碼五十億,現在看來應該遠超此數;期內通貨膨脹雖 ...全文


政府改造 動力再現

... 位於Tanners Hill一列建於18世紀的木結構建築,被評為英國二級保育。另外,在Mary Ann Bui ...全文


City livability: the best in China and the world

... , a small hill next to the city center, a nice waterfront, a decent central commercial district, and clean streets and air. These are my own expectations for a livable city. These are also the reasons ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-11

Leung vows to take up marine garbage issue with Guangdong

... a garbage hill has been spotted on Wai Lingding Island, which is located near the estuary of Pearl River and only a few miles from Lantau, and that it is now at the risk of disintegrating. Jackie Wu, ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-11

Wall Street scion pleads guilty to US$38 mln fraud

... d at Park Hill Group, which he joined in 2013. The advisory firm was spun off from private equity group Blackstone Group LP  in October and is now part of PJT Partners. In court, Caspersen said he tol ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-07

探親之旅 多倫多篇

...  Richmond Hill。 在多倫多只出外吃了3次飯,其中一餐是到三和燒臘吃消夜,品質跟十多年前是差了許多 ...全文


微暴力畫展 另類美學

... 學。如Bruise Hill中她更把身體比喻為色盤,視那因為受傷而出現的瘀紅發紫為體內最原始的色彩,如銀河般迷 ...全文


紐西蘭 大自然回饋好風光

... ueenstown Hill,這裏又高又安靜,可以清楚地觀看玩跳傘的「空中飛人」,後方是距皇后城半小時車程,格 ...全文


China's bad-neighbor policy is bad business

These are difficult times for China. After decades of double-digit GDP growth, today’s slowdown points to an economic system in trouble. Once hailed as a model of development, the Chinese economy now ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-04

How a Lebanese man planted a forest in Hong Kong

...  northern hill of Lamma Island into a lush green field by planting about 30,000 trees over the past 20 years. "I am very glad that we planted a forest, and I am very proud to say my mission is accompl ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-30

脫歐勿太愁 購物最悠遊

... 目標集團Lythe Hill合共63%權益,建議總代價441萬英鎊。目標集團主要業務為在英國經營酒店,擁有位於 ...全文


倫敦注碼少金額巨 誤導賠率「挺留歐」

... 爾(William Hill PLC)表示,一名來自倫敦中部的女士以10萬英鎊(約104萬港元)押注英國留歐, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年06月28日

油價逼50美元 頁岩企啟新章

... ss運營長Greg Hill說:「我們必須確保那不會是讓我們陷入困境的流沙。」 一些石油企業甚至還沒準備認同5 ...全文


A steep climb to the summit of Tai To Yan

... Butterfly Hill Path -- a popular walking trail for morning hikers in Fanling. Known as a palace for butterflies, the place teems with flowers, which also attract many bees. Next to the Taoist temple F ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-17


... 丘》(Silent Hill)等。相信他們的經驗分享定能讓我們對鼓樂文化有更深入的了解。 受訪者: Peter ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalSimon’s Glocal ChatroomEJ GLOBAL plus2016年06月11日

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