
共 2401 個結果
頁數:1...86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 ...121

Game of politics: Knowing how to outplay your opponents

Just like professional chess players, people who play high-stakes politics need to think many moves ahead. When chess grandmasters make a move, they anticipate how their adversaries will respond and h ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-02


政府年底開展智慧城市藍圖的顧問研究,目標是為香港未來城市發展制訂整體方向和標準,包括資訊通訊科技的基建、公私營 ...全文



全球數碼消費品市場愁雲慘霧,智能手機和個人電腦(PC)銷量大跌之餘,像VR、AR、物聯網、智能汽車等新概念又未 ...全文



這是一篇遲來的書評,評介的是2015年一本金融經濟學著作。從來佩服書評人可以每星期詳細介紹新書,也許是一目十行 ...全文


John Tsang quotes Shakespeare to underscore his dilemma

It is sort of amusing that prospective candidates in next year's chief executive election are quoting famous English lines as they warm up for the battle ahead, instead of using Mandarin which would m ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-31


今年暑假在加州的山景城(Mountain View)開車,有一個奇特的經驗。筆者在一個紅綠燈位停車,因為剛好有 ...全文


ETF投資策略 助駕馭波動市

投資者若要應對目前的波動市況,便可能需要更靈活地配置投資組合,其中以主動方式投資被動型交易所買賣基金(ETF) ...全文



傳統交易所買賣基金(ETF)沒落,市場寄望新出現的ETF產品,如聰明啤打交易所買賣基金(Smart Beta ...全文



英國公投脫歐後當地企業賣盤轉趨積極,長江基建(01038)密密掃貨。彭博引述消息透露,長建擬競購英國智能儀表( ...全文


BYD venture into monorail seen as a smart move

Chinese electric car maker BYD will invest 5 billion yuan (US$742.2 million) in China’s monorail market. The move has been applauded by a number of investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Credit Su ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-19

How Youngspiration should inspire the youth

Perhaps it's the exuberance of youth, their spirit of rebelliousness. Or most probably they just want attention. But nonetheless the infantile behavior displayed by newly elected lawmakers Sixtus "Bag ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-18


利申:選舉期間我已不信任青年新政。 利申:我撐的是朱凱廸——今天我們可以很驕傲地說,取得八萬五票的他揮揮衣袖完 ...全文


一人一票 窮途末路?

自古希臘城邦發明民主,即遭不少學者抨擊。柏拉圖便十分反對民主。十八世紀爭取民主的浪潮風起雲湧,招來不少保守派學 ...全文


Time for Hong Kong to catch up on Big Data

Hong Kong has lagged far behind mainland China and the United States in the field of big data. The government has been reluctant to allow access to public data, and most corporates have no idea how to ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-14

迎新送舊 搵氣嚟受

時光倒流4年半,那時唐英年的特首夢已接近夢醒時分。某天,他回應了其大宅僭建醜聞,說:「做男人就要有膊頭,做公職 ...全文


Would Trump and Clinton ever sing together in a karaoke?

Just when many thought Hillary Clinton had scored a KO (knockout) against Donald Trump in their second debate, some people said they were more like singing an OK (karaoke) duet. Some creative netizens ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-13

Amazon launches new music streaming service

Amazon.com Inc. has launched a full-fledged music streaming service with subscriptions as low as US$3.99 per month for owners of its Amazon Echo speaker. The new streaming service, Amazon Music Unlimi ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-13

Legco's new leader: The art of hypocrisy

Andrew Leung will become the next president of the Legislative Council after Beijing's Liaison Office is believed to have secretly instructed the pro-government camp to 'elect' him. Leung is a polari ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-07

Why Hong Kong is ripe for a solar future

With solar energy accounting for a minuscule proportion of the electricity supply in Hong Kong, the government must focus on tapping the abundant sunshine in the city and new solar technologies. With ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-07

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