
共 3000 個結果
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Promises and pitfalls of blockchain tokens

Raising capital is a painful experience. Whether you are raising early-stage seed funding or preparing for an IPO, nobody enjoys asking (begging) others for money to finance their business, with the n ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-01

TNG Wallet now available at all 7-Eleven HK stores

TNG Wallet, one of Hong Kong’s top five digital wallets, announced a partnership with convenience chain 7-Eleven, making payment and cash withdrawal services available around the clock at more than 90 ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-31

質疑管治失效 累股價大折讓

持有春泉產業信託(01426)12.5%股權的第二大股東太盟地產(PAG),提出要求召開特別股東大會,表決罷免 ...全文


Worker, 68, killed as concrete slab breaks loose at building

A 68-year-old construction worker died on Tuesday after he was hit by a large concrete slab that broke loose from a building in Cheung Sha Wan. The fatal accident took place at about 10:30 am at a wor ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-30

水溝油 押邊瓣

8月29日,周二。北韓試射導彈,並首次飛越日本領空,近期處於膠着狀態的朝鮮半島局勢再起風雲,資金湧入黃金、美債 ...全文


What a fund manager can learn from Kevin Durant

In an NBA game last year when Kevin Durant was playing for the Oklahoma City Thunder, he yelled at his teammate to "shoot the ball!" when his teammate chose to pass even when he had a pretty good chan ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-29

Group steps up call to pedestrianize Des Voeux Road Central

A non-profit organization is stepping up a campaign for pedestrianization of Des Voeux Road Central, outlining a proposal to turn the area into a walk-friendly boulevard in the coming years. Walk DVRC ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-29

If you missed Tencent, Naspers could be an alternative

As share price of Chinese tech giant Tencent Holdings (00700.HK) keeps roaring ahead, many are faced with a tough decision to buy or not to buy at the current level. While investors are afraid of miss ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-29

賭性難移 軟銀加注WeWork

日本軟銀(Softbank)牽頭的「願景基金」(Vision Fund)需要開始使用其9300億美元資金,然而 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月29日


《華爾街日報》報道,「新債王」岡拉克(Jeffrey Gundlach)的旗艦債券基金DoubleLine T ...全文

今日信報EJ Global一周最足數2017年08月26日

中沙設投資基金 商業協議1550億

在中國國務院副總理張高麗訪問沙地阿拉伯之際,沙地能源部長法利赫(Khalid al-Falih)24日對路透稱 ...全文


Macau leader apologizes for poor handling of Typhoon Hato

Macau's leader, Fernando Chui Sai-on, apologized to the public for his government's poor handling of Typhoon Hato, which killed at least nine people, injured more than 200 and left large parts of the ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-25

Market dips could prove good buying opportunities

Shrugging off any hint of the summer doldrums, July saw a strong start to the third quarter for global stock markets. While some investors in Asian and emerging market equities with strong year-to-dat ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-24

Uber quarterly loss down as bookings increase

Uber Technologies Inc. reported a 16 percent increase in quarterly bookings and a smaller loss than the previous period as the ride services company showed signs of inching toward profitability. The S ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-24


日本股市表現差勁,可能跟財經界開始覺得日本央行的買入ETF計劃過火有關,以最高市值的UNIQLO為例,日央行擁 ...全文


Sempra Energy to buy Oncor for US$9.45 bln in blow to Buffett

Utility Sempra Energy said it will buy Oncor for US$9.45 billion in cash after majority owner Energy Future Holdings Corp. abandoned a deal to sell the power transmission company to Warren Buffett's B ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-22

新債王基金縮13% 部分客戶套現離場

《華爾街日報》報道,「新債王」岡拉克(Jeffrey Gundlach)旗下最大基金DoubleLine To ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月22日

The pendulum swings

A frequent client question concerns our preferences amongst the major currencies. Our existing ranking is the yen, then the euro, then the dollar and finally the pound. Why? Foreign exchange analysis ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-21

剖析投資行為 人工智能助尋超額回報

繼互聯網和大數據技術之後,一般相信人工智能(AI, Artificial Intelligence) 將是為金 ...全文


Why it's too early to be over-excited at the market rebound

Following a slide last week on US-North Korea tensions, most stock markets in Asia rebounded on Monday. But don't get over-excited by that. A correction in equity prices is overdue, and I expect downw ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-16

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