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Elliott傳斥資195億 增持軟銀股份

《華爾街日報》報道,美國對沖基金Elliott斥資25億美元(195億港元),增持日本軟銀股份,並且與對方討論 ...全文


冀供長者中心試用 助改良設計

樂齡市場近年冒起,針對浴室的智能產品,坊間卻選擇甚少。理工大學設計系畢業的鄧曉瑩,因爺爺患上柏金遜症,決心設計 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年02月07日

股債兩者兼得 平衡基金穩中求勝

平衡基金於去年第四季開始受到投資者追捧,10月份及11月份合共淨流入4.6億美元。展望今年在強調風險管理的環境 ...全文


Huawei urges US FCC to drop national security risk designation

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. asked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) not to finalize its designation of the China tech giant as a risk to US national security, calling the effort “unlawful a ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-04


金鼠年第一篇文章,謹祝各位身心康泰,萬事如意。 過去幾個月,筆者堅持講述資產配置之道,不時擔心欠缺新意,難及月 ...全文


Plan to allow US banks to invest in venture capital funds again

Banks in the United States would be able to take large stakes in venture capital funds under a proposal to ease strict bank trading and investment rules introduced following the 2007-2009 global finan ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-31

What we can learn from Kobe Bryant’s success formula

This Year of the Rat didn't exactly start well, what with the Wuhan virus outbreak and the death of NBA superstar Kobe Bryant. Bryant, who died in a helicopter crash on Sunday, will not only be rememb ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-30

生物科技有錢景 宜循基金入手

新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情由內地武漢蔓延至全球,促使外國生物科技公司開始研發有關疫苗,成功的話不但造福病人也創造商機 ...全文



1月中旬,英國國防大臣華萊士(Ben Wallace)認為英國必須增加軍備投入,以減少對美國的軍事依賴。由於美 ...全文



農曆新年今日港股首日復市,先祝各位讀者身體健康,出入平安! 內地武漢肺炎疫情大爆發,全國每個省都失守,市場嚇得 ...全文


Facebook proposes rules for independent oversight board

Facebook Inc. recommended rules for how its independent oversight board will work and said a former human rights group director will lead the board’s administrative staff, Reuters reports. The content ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-29

Palestinians denounce Trump peace plan

US President Donald Trump proposed creating a Palestinian state as part of a Middle East peace plan, drawing Palestinian condemnation for imposing strict conditions and agreeing to let Israel maintain ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-29

Death toll rises but Xi confident of containing virus

The death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in China rose to 131 as health authorities at the epicenter of the epidemic reported another 840 confirmed cases, even as Beijing reiterated its confidence ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-29

沙地夥英資組財團 擬35億入主紐卡素

沙地阿拉伯投資者有意斥資3.4億英鎊(約34.5億港元),購入英超球隊紐卡素(Newcastle United ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月29日

獲軟銀青睞 無意港星辦虛銀

以英國為基地的金融科技初創OakNorth,運用人工智能(AI)技術平台進行信貸分析及管理,專注做中小企貸款業 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月29日


中美兩國簽署首階段貿易協議,中方承諾在今明兩年共增購320億美元的美國農產品,金額雖不及原先憧憬的500億美元 ...全文


Air France-KLM seeks to buy 49% of Malaysia Airlines: report

Air France-KLM has submitted a proposal to acquire 49 percent stake in Malaysia Airlines, while Japan Airlines is looking at buying 25 percent, according to Reuters. Malaysia-based AirAsia Group and M ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

Baoshang Bank to be acquired by local govts, state firms: report

China’s troubled Baoshang Bank will be taken over by local governments and a group of state firms, Reuters reports, citing an unidentified central bank official. The governments of Inner Mongolia Auto ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

Why US is not the only winner of the trade deal

The long-awaited Phase 1 trade deal between China and the United States was signed last Wednesday. The talks hit a serious snag last year, but since then China has apparently yielded to some of the US ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-20

How a UK-based startup is finding success with SME banking

As big banks have looked to de-risk their balance sheets and receded from SME lending, Britain’s OakNorth, a banking startup that specializes in providing business and property loans, is leveraging ne ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-20

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