
共 3000 個結果
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When climate activism and nationalism collide

There is an overwhelming consensus among scientists that this decade will be the last window for humanity to change the current global trajectory of carbon dioxide emissions so that the world can get ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-07

Making stakeholder capitalism a reality

For a half-century, American corporations (and many others around the world) have embraced shareholder primacy, which holds that the only responsibility of business is to maximize profits. But this pr ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-07

Peter Lynch引路尋寶 按圖索驥財息兼收

1月6日,周一。數史上投資天王,彼得.林治(Peter Lynch)在十大中必佔一席。這位富達麥哲倫基金(Fi ...全文


Future industry: Astroscale aims to remove junk from space

Astroscale, a company founded by Japanese Nobu Okada, has taken on a bold mission: to design and operate satellites that will remove man-made debris in space. The purpose of the undertaking is signifi ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-06

Would Superman bail out Hong Kong people?

April Fools' Day came three months early this year.  Rumors that Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing was unveiling another relief fund – this time covering not just small retailers but all adult residen ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-03

醫藥生科股受捧 防守性強

醫藥股是投資者近期偏好板塊,相關股份去年在港股受追捧,包辦藍籌升幅冠軍及季軍,美國羅素2000指數去年十大升幅 ...全文


中美貿易樂觀 澳元望扭弱勢

白宮貿易顧問周一表示,中美第一階段貿易協議可能會在下周簽署,但稱將由美國總統特朗普或貿易代表予以確認。美國總統 ...全文


2020變數多 美股宜中短線部署

2019年美股收官在即,作為今年環球表現最好的主要股市之一,市場對美股明年早段表現寄予厚望,目前以能源、健康護 ...全文


九毛九今招股 6666元入場

內地餐飲集團九毛九國際(09922)今起招股,合共發售3.334億股,當中一成作公開發售,招股價介乎5.5元至 ...全文


澳元望扭弱勢 紐滙可續走高

正值聖誕假期,假日氣氛濃厚,滙市表現淡靜。美中關係緩和提振冒險人氣,澳元升見五個月高位。針對備受關注的中美第一 ...全文


新百利融資(08439) 須予披露的交易

新百利融資(08439) 須予披露交易 認購THE CLIMATE IMPACT ASIA FUND(401K ...全文


保誠(02378) 其他-業務發展最新情況

保誠(02378) 保誠旗下瀚亞完成收購 Thanachart Fund(179KB, pdf) ...全文


俄擬動用財富基金 購俄儲行或吸黃金

俄羅斯財長西盧安諾夫(Anton Siluanov)周四表示,政府計劃動用國家財富基金(National We ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月27日

Thousands join rally in support of curbs-hit protester aid group

Thousands of people gathered at Edinburgh Place in Central on Monday night, voicing their support for Spark Alliance, a fundraising platform that has been helping arrested protesters over the years be ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24

Electric vehicle startup Rivian gets US$1.3 bln in new funding

Electric vehicle startup Rivian has closed a US$1.3 billion financing round led by fund manager T. Rowe Price and with the participation of existing investors Amazon and Ford Motor, Reuters reports. T ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24

Candy Crush等創辦人 籌組環保衝擊基金

熱門遊戲Candy Crush的製造商King Digital、支付服務公司Klarna及Minecraft的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月24日

英倫銀行棄全球化 新舵手搵本地薑

雖然慢條斯理,但只要鍥而不捨,最終也可以達到目的。英倫銀行候任行長貝利(Andrew Bailey)的管理風格 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年12月24日

How a pest-control firm aims to ride the Ag-biotech future

Given the growing concern and worries about climate change, investors around the globe are increasingly betting on a sustainable path in agriculture. Agriculture-related biotechnology, such as biofert ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-23

Activist hedge fund Marcato Capital to shut down: report

Activist hedge fund Marcato Capital Management, backed by Blackstone Group and billionaire William Ackman, is shutting down as assets have shriveled after two years of poor returns, Reuters reports, c ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-23

標指今年漲逾兩成 專家料美股明年難大升

美國股市今年的回報超過20%,但按照以往表現分析,明年的美國股市表現很可能顯著放緩。除了統計數據外,分析員與基 ...全文


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