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男神調酒師 搖製咖啡美酒

在美酒佳餚中,眾品酒師直說最怕液體遇上液體的組合,搭配實在太考功夫,想不到轉至調酒界又是另一回事,不同酒液的組 ...全文



本周港股戰意一般,全因北水停了,國內資金愛港股,鄭裕彤過身,以鄭裕彤為首的「大Dee會」,相信亦正式成為歷史, ...全文


Why HSBC is renting co-working space

HSBC recently rented more than 300 desks in a co-working space in Causeway Bay for its digital and transformation team. The facility, which is located in Tower 535 in Jaffe Road, is operated by WeWork ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-26


想當年「股壇長毛」David Webb撰文稱,漢能薄膜發電(00566)巨大的利潤率,全取決於其唯一、並一直「 ...全文



剛過去的暑假,香港主辦了一件國際盛事——第57屆國際數學奧林匹克(International Mathemat ...全文



最近陸永對大市看法都是比較悲觀的,上周文章已經講過,今次升浪的主要因素是因為內地資金撤資造成,「港股通」日日買 ...全文


A gastropub livens up Tai Hang food and bar scene

Second Draft, a newly-opened gastropub in Tai Hang, might be mistaken for a vintage Hong Kong café at first glance, given its white and fern green wall that is partially decorated with mosaic black an ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-15

Live like a local: Look out for the full moon

Mystical, evocative and joyous, the Mid-Autumn or Moon Festival comes just as Hongkongers start to enjoy cooler weather. The holiday is an important time for families and friends to gather, eating sph ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-13


買股票,買就容易,沽就難。例如陸永這種中短線投機者,買股票不外乎風險回報吸引、安全邊際高,以及催化劑確定性;風 ...全文


廚房裏的莫扎特——Massimiliano Alajmo

提到意大利名廚,很多人大概會想到「喔!那個肥胖子」,近廚得食,「肥」得有理,代表了一般人對「好」廚師的印象。 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化食家講場Walter Kei2016年09月10日

This eatery has look, feel and taste of all things Vietnamese

It made perfect sense that Marco Lee had visited Vietnam before the opening of Miss Saigon Vietnamese Cuisine in Hong Kong. As the restaurant's head chef, Lee faced the challenge of replicating authen ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-09

Justin Trudeau: China's friend or foe?

The charismatic Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, paid a flying visit to Hong Kong recently after his official state visit to China and the G20 summit in Hangzhou. It was Trudeau's first trip t ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-09

西貢小姐 越嘗越愛

百老滙歌劇《西貢小姐》與CATS、The Phantom of the Opera和Les Misérable ...全文



莊氏家族在香港一向不算好高調,好多時候香港人知道莊氏家族都是因為莊家彬,莊家彬是莊士集團太子爺,與前無綫電視藝 ...全文


Thinking of relocating to Taiwan? Here's a reality check

High living costs, stalled political reforms and poor social mobility in Hong Kong are blamed for a noticeable uptick in the number of locals emigrating from the city in recent years.  Among the place ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-02

Kanazawa: Golden sweet city frozen in time

Kanazawa, capital of Ishikawa Prefecture on Japan’s central Honshu Island, is not a golden city for nothing. It produces 99 percent of the country’s high-quality edible gold leaf used as toppings and ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-02

Why Brexit won't benefit those who chose it

Britain's new prime minister, Theresa May, has a monumental task ahead of her: fulfilling British – or, more accurately, English and Welsh – voters' demand to "Brexit" the European Union, and managing ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-31

P2P創百億奇蹟 中國信貸飛天豬?

近年P2P金融在國內大行其道,國內在金融創新方面,一向可以說「超英趕美」。簡單而言,P2P金融指借錢方透過電子 ...全文


New gustatory delights in old familiar places in Central

Recently my friend and I tried to come up with some explanation as to why those living on Hong Kong Island seem reluctant to travel to Kowloon peninsula for shopping or dining, while Kowloon dwellers ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-26


前兩星期提及的新華文軒(00811)A股終於上市,一如A股「國情」,上市第一日漲幅為發行價的44%,之後連續漲 ...全文


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