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抗艾吹哨人亡故 耀潔有生命光環

儒家經典《中庸》謂:「誠之者,擇善而固執之者也。」抗擊艾滋病(愛滋病)的吹哨人高耀潔(1927.12.19—2 ...全文


Developing countries’ never-ending debt crisis

The debt crisis in low-income countries continues to fester. Meanwhile, the international policy community seems to be losing traction on the problem. Can it recover its grip, or has a developing-coun ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-20

The growing risk of global disorder

The Western-led global economic order had a bad 2023. Surprisingly, the primary cause was not the emergence of an alternative order led by China, as some had anticipated. Instead, it was internal stre ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

Thaw in U.S.-China ties driven by domestic issues

Expectations were low for the meeting between American president Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, held Nov. 15 in San Francisco. But since then, there has been a lowering of tension ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-05

Did the Fed rein in inflation?

On November 14, remarkably, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the consumer price index was unchanged in October. To be clear, that means the level of the CPI was unchanged; its rate of ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-21

Justice for street vendors

A wave of evictions recently hit in Dakar’s bustling Liberté 6 market, a roughly mile-long commercial hub that has served its community for more than 20 years. Hundreds of street vendors’ stalls were ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-17

Can U.S. avoid a recession this time?

Over the past 18 months, the Federal Reserve (Fed) has raised rates by 525 basis points (bps), its biggest tightening of monetary policy since 1981. Long-term bond yields have also soared. All but two ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-10

How China’s growing demand for natural gas impacts world markets

China’s demand for natural gas is set to increase strongly in the years ahead as it transitions to cleaner energy sources. The country has already signed a number of long-term liquefied natural gas (L ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-10


以色列與哈馬斯衝突及其伴隨的人道主義災難、俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭戰爭的持續,甚至乎東西方兩個大型經濟掉入的「修昔底德 ...全文


Can Japan reshape its research funding?

Rightly concerned about a decline in Japanese universities’ research capabilities, the Japanese government has created a ¥10 trillion ($67 billion) fund to address the problem. While cash accounts for ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

Fixing global economic governance

Following the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank this month, the Middle East is teetering on the edge of a major conflict, and the rest of the world continues to fra ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

零飢餓目標受阻 防範糧食灰犀牛

10月16日,是聯合國的全球糧食日。主題為「水是生命之源,水是糧食之本」,意謂維護、改善水的生態環境,確保、提 ...全文


China struggles to attract foreign tourists

In 2019, 31.88 million foreigners came to China for tou ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年10月19日

Governing the right to food

When I was a child, my father, who had witnessed the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, told me how common ground was sought around shared principles in a world fractured by the Co ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-18

皮膚及性病科專科醫生盧景勳 自小患濕疹哮喘 細述斷尾經歷

學校是培育學生增進知識、明辨是非、確立理想的地方。在傳統名校皇仁書院的學術氛圍下,盧景勳中學階段已立志從醫。「 ...全文


The global hunger crisis must not be normalized

From the 1960s until the mid-2010s, hunger was on the decline around the world. But, despite record food production, the trend is reversing, with around 828 million people affected by hunger globally ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-16

The global north must follow the global south’s lead

With her ambitious Bridgetown Agenda to reform the international financial architecture, Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has become a powerful advocate for climate justice. But she is not th ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-13


【鴻鵠資產管理行政總裁及首席投資總監陸庭龍】雖然現時港元按揭利率維持在4.125%,較美國長期按揭利率7%為低 ...全文



還記得在2018年的一次聚會中,筆者與一眾睿智之士暢想未來。討論的話題五花八門,從教育變革到科技創新、從社會轉 ...全文


What Pandemic Preparedness Would Look Like

  Humanity was caught off guard by the COVID-19 pandemic, even though we had effectively been warned by smaller-scale outbreaks – of SARS, Ebola, MERS, and avian flu – for decades. US President Barack ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04

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