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中國生物科技服務 取得新冠抗體檢測試劑海外分銷授權

中國生物科技服務(8037.hk)旗下的標準病理檢驗所有限公司,於2020年3月15日獲得新冠病毒檢測試劑20 ...全文



2月下旬,隨着COVID-19疫情在「歐亞邊陲地帶」(Eurasian rimland)出現,南韓、伊朗和意大 ...全文


供需皆受創 放水無助全球避過衰退

新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情在歐美急速惡化,在群體恐慌之下,美股暴瀉,一月內,市場觸發四次「熔斷」,芝 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 國金趨勢陸錦榮2020年03月21日

New Covid-19 cases traced to visits to Lan Kwai Fong gym, bars

Lan Kwai Fong, a popular nightlife destination in Central, is emerging as a potential coronavirus hotspot after several people were found to have visited the area before they were confirmed to have co ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-20

A pandemic strategy as global as COVID-19

The COVID-19 coronavirus is disrupting practically every aspect of life all over the world. Naturally, governments are working to protect their own populations first, including by closing their border ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-20

Trump cancels G7 Camp David meeting, to hold video-conference

US President Donald Trump will cancel an in-person meeting of G7 leaders at Camp David in June because of the coronavirus and will hold a video-conference instead, Reuters reports. White House economi ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-20

US coronavirus tally at 10,491 cases, 150 deaths: CDC

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday announced 10,491 cases of coronavirus, an increase of 3,404 from its previous count, and said the death toll had risen by 53 to 150, ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-20


李光耀在晚年時接受英國一位教授訪問,當問到他對「獨裁專制」有什麼看法時,他毫不思索地回答道:政治上無所謂獨裁專 ...全文


環亞國際實業(01143) 其他-業務發展最新情況

環亞國際實業(01143) 有關銷售新冠病毒(COVID-19)檢測試劑盒之自願公告(545KB, pdf) ...全文


亞洲電視控股(00707) 董事會召開日期 / 其他-業務發展最新情況

亞洲電視控股(00707) 董事會會議日期及有關新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情影響之業務最新消息(233 ...全文


德視佳(01846) 其他-業務發展最新情況

德視佳(01846) 2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)疫情對業務營運的影響(213KB, pdf) ...全文



今年在澳洲出現的前所未有的嚴重山火,除造成人員傷亡外,已經摧毀了約2500間房屋,殺死了數億隻動物,重創了經濟 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年03月19日

彭順國際(06163) 其他-業務發展最新情況

彭順國際(06163) 自願公告 - 關於冠狀病毒COVID-19影響之最新業務情況(119KB, pdf) ...全文


HK Covid-19 cases approach 200 after largest one-day increase

Twenty-five people tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Wednesday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in Hong Kong to 192, plus one probable case. The increase marked the largest sin ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19


中國駐美大使崔天凱接受央視新聞訪問,與在美國的中國留學生連線對話。有學生提問,如果美國的新冠肺炎疫情繼續加重, ...全文


Hedge fund manager apologizes for MTR prank

You would think fund managers are smart, responsible people who exercise discernment in taking care of the financial well-being of clients. But one hedge fund manager's lunch-break antic got him into ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19

The ECB must finance Covid-19 deficits

The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a combined negative supply and demand shock of unprecedented intensity. Both are having a significant impact on the production of goods and services, and because ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19

Containing the dollar credit crunch

With markets already in turmoil, a dollar credit crunch now threatens the world economy. Companies dependent on international trade have seen their earnings collapse, and many will be unable to servic ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19

HIV drug combo fails as treatment for severe Covid-19 in study

A pill containing two HIV drugs that was touted as a potential treatment for the novel coronavirus was not effective, according to a study released late on Wednesday. A test in Chinese patients with s ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19

Trump says he will invoke wartime act to fight coronavirus

US President Donald Trump moved on Wednesday to accelerate production of desperately needed medical equipment to battle the coronavirus pandemic, Reuters reports. Scrambling to address the virus after ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19

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