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Three elements in making best use of interactive map dashboard

At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak in 2020, John Hopkins University in the United States launched the world's first interactive map dashboard on the epidemic information, which was wel ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-13

猴痘肆虐歐美 揭全球控疫甩漏

過去一個多月,歐美多國突然發現多宗猴痘(monkeypox)病例,專門研究這種疾病的專家指出,他們多年來均警告 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點2022年06月11日

越秀房產信託基金(00405) 有關集體投資計劃事宜

越秀房產信託基金(00405) 公佈 - 為受COVID-19影響的租戶提供臨時租金減免(268KB, pdf ...全文


Building smarter healthcare in HK with intelligent automation

That Hong Kong's healthcare system had been under enormous strain is no secret. By the end of March, the territory's COVID-19 numbers had peaked at more than 55,000 infections. Set against the city's ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-09

What biotech innovation needs

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped attitudes toward public health, fiscal policy, and the state’s role in the economy. Demands for greater supply-chain resilience and strategic autonomy in developing ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-07

The global economy in transition

Recent conversations about the global economy and markets have been defined by a set of recurring questions. While there are many moving parts that are difficult to capture in a single clear picture, ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-07


烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭陷入膠着狀態,香港人或者會覺得,地緣政治的變局與己無關。不過,假如大家有稍為留意國際新聞, ...全文



5月中旬,聯合國警告全球將出現糧食短缺,或出現大規模饑荒等危機,並說俄羅斯出兵烏克蘭後,糧食供應鏈斷裂,各地出 ...全文


China’s Covid struggle: It’s about ideology, not health

Last month, when the Covid-19 death toll in the United States reached a million, China’s government and state media took delight in mocking and shaming America in its moment of national grief. A Chine ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-06


文字是人類用以作記錄的符號,屬「視像」形式的表現。在原始時期,這些符號與圖畫無異,絕大多數是以形表意,發展下來 ...全文


Getting deglobalization right

The World Economic Forum’s first meeting in more than two years was markedly different from the many previous Davos conferences that I have attended since 1995. It was not just that the bright snow an ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-03

北韓稱疫情緩和 世衞憂情況更嚴峻

北韓聲稱抗疫取得進展,不過,世界衞生組織對此表示懷疑,認為當地疫情更加嚴峻,沒有改善,不過缺乏可靠數據評估。 ...全文


韓防彈少年團晤拜登 宣揚反仇亞
亮相白宮記招 傳媒逼爆31萬人看直播

南韓天團防彈少年團(BTS)周二首次到訪美國白宮,與美國總統拜登會面討論應對日益嚴重的仇恨和歧視亞裔問題。BT ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年06月02日

Don’t bet on a soft landing

In 2021, the big debate about the outlook for the global economy focused on whether the rising inflation in the United States and other advanced economies was transitory or persistent. Key central ban ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-01

How will China’s currency respond to slower growth?

The rise of China into the upper echelons of the world economic order underscores the sway it has over how the global economy performs from the perspective of its appetite for commodities from grains ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-01


這次到西班牙旅遊,是我在脫歐之後第一次到歐洲。對於英國居民來說,入境程序大致一樣,接種了兩劑疫苗或以上的人,只 ...全文


Reducing plastic pollution at source

The fifth wave of COVID-19 epidemic in Hong Kong has been severe. In order to curb the spread of the epidemic, the government adopted stricter anti-epidemic measures, including banning dining in resta ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-30

Has the US damaged Africa’s COVID-19 vaccination drive?

The United States Food and Drug Administration’s recent decision to limit the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine to adults who cannot or will not get another vaccine will have profound ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-27

The global hunger crisis is here

Global food prices are soaring. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s Food Price Index – which covers a basket of basic food commodities (cereals, meat, dairy, vegetable oils, and sug ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-24

開市焦點:納期今早挫1.3% 港股考驗20天線 留意車股

隔晚美股三大指數雖然高收,不過今早美股指數期貨向下,納指期貨更挫1.3%,「黑期」基本持平,料港股今早考驗20 ...全文


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