
共 1996 個結果
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Successful cases of local geographic information applications

My new English electronic book Smart City 4.0 demonstrates to the younger generation and startups how spatial data and geographic information system (GIS) revolutionises our lives through sharing of r ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-11

A cure for Europe’s addiction to Russian energy

Russia’s shocking invasion of Ukraine has awakened the European Union to the urgent need to reduce its reliance on Russian fossil fuels. But, as the EU attempts to escape the Russian energy yoke, it m ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-11

肺出腎納 呼吸乃和

新冠病毒肺炎第五波疫情肆虐,奪取人類生命。2003年的非典型肺炎和今次COVID-19的各變種病毒株,同樣是攻 ...全文


Shock therapy for neoliberals

The fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reminded us of the unforeseeable disruptions constantly confronting the global economy. We have been taught this lesson many times. No one could have ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-08


世界衞生組織於2022年2月28日至3月2日邀請了21名國際專家召開會議,他們來自世衞組織6個區域,當中有來自 ...全文


Fixing our failing food systems

Food prices are surging to record highs in many countries, driven by factors including climate change, violent conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic, and supply-chain disruptions. This perfect storm has exp ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-07

The infrastructure of recovery

Physical infrastructure has a critical role to play in supporting the post-pandemic recovery and in laying the longer-term foundations for green, resilient, and inclusive development. A growing body o ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-07


今日恰巧是清明節,據天氣預報,香港會有一個晴天,十分適宜孝子賢孫進行中華文化慎終追遠的活動。可惜,第五波疫情還 ...全文


Cabin hospital proves the construction efficiency of MiC

The onslaught of the 5th wave of Covid-19 in Hong Kong has sparked a dramatic surge in the number of severe cases and isolation orders, overwhelming the healthcare system with hospitals running out of ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04


特區政府早前公布,4月1日起航班熔斷機制下禁飛期由14日減至7日。 什麼熔斷機制呢?根據政府2月23日公布的資 ...全文


Is the new stagflation policy-proof?

The global economy has suffered two large negative supply-side shocks, first from the COVID-19 pandemic and now from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The war has further disrupt ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

COVID-19’s lessons for democracies

For more than two years, COVID-19 has taken lives, destroyed livelihoods, disrupted daily routines, and dominated political discussion around the world. As the acute phase of the pandemic comes to an ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-31

America’s macroeconomic outlook

Many who now worry about rising inflation in the United States may disagree, but the US Federal Reserve should take a victory lap. Just consider what the Fed has achieved over the past two years. At t ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-29

The Ukraine war is reshaping development

The global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic was always fragile, especially in the developing world. With Russia’s disastrous war in Ukraine, it has been all but shattered. But the invasion ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-28


Covid-19 和烏克蘭入侵的共同點是,兩者在歷史上都曾發生過很多次類似的事件。野心家看起來多麼瘋狂,但其實 ...全文


現實閉館 虛擬開館

第五波疫情襲港,已經有超過109萬港人感染,港大醫學院更估計,加上未呈報政府的個案,全港已有一半人口感染COV ...全文


From sanctions to semiconductor resilience and security

To be effective, economic sanctions depend on multilateral coordination. Freezing the Russian central bank’s holdings and kicking Russian banks out of the SWIFT financial messaging system for internat ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-24


這天3月24日,世衞組織定為世界防治結核病日,紀念1882年德國微生物學家羅伯特科赫(Robert Koch) ...全文



行政長官表示,倘疫情沒有反彈,政府會由4月21日起分3階段解除大部分防疫措施。關於餐飲業,首階段餐飲處所可恢復 ...全文



在倫敦已經第5個年頭,才知道所謂大倫敦原來真的那麼大。 607平方英里聽起來沒有什麼大不了,彈丸之地的香港也約 ...全文


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