
共 1992 個結果
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HIV drug combo fails as treatment for severe Covid-19 in study

A pill containing two HIV drugs that was touted as a potential treatment for the novel coronavirus was not effective, according to a study released late on Wednesday. A test in Chinese patients with s ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19

Trump says he will invoke wartime act to fight coronavirus

US President Donald Trump moved on Wednesday to accelerate production of desperately needed medical equipment to battle the coronavirus pandemic, Reuters reports. Scrambling to address the virus after ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-19


3月18日,周三。美國聯儲局兩度緊急減息後,聯邦基金利率已貼近零。先前,未等侵侵開口,鮑威爾已經明白總統心意, ...全文


北京學者感謝 老美和袁國勇

北京的學者陳劍,針對武漢市黨官的感恩說發聲,感謝老美的慷慨援助和香港袁國勇的「發現」。 武漢人面對武漢肺炎(2 ...全文



一貫瘋頭鳥巢標記的約翰遜,再度表現「估我唔到」的能耐。一句Delay,令全英人民頂硬上,差點變廣東粗口。 物競 ...全文



除造成人員傷亡外,今年在澳洲爆發空前的嚴重山火已經摧毀約2500間房屋,殺死了數億隻動物,重創經濟,並對政府構 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Amy Luers2020年03月19日


中美就俗稱「武漢肺炎」的新型冠狀病毒肺炎的命名及起源爭論之際,身兼港府防疫專家小組成員的港大微生物學系講座教授 ...全文


Imported Covid-19 cases in China outpace local ones for 5th day

Imported coronavirus cases in China outnumbered cases of location transmission for the fifth straight day as infected travelers passed through major Chinese transportation hubs in Beijing, Shanghai, G ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-18

European nations take different approaches in fighting Covid-19

To fight the Covid-10 outbreak in Europe, Italy and Spain have introduced the most drastic lockdown measures, while the United Kingdom and Germany are trying to build “herd immunity” by allowing major ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-18

Warning sounded over Covid-19 import by students returning to HK

Authorities on Tuesday called on young people pursuing studies overseas to not rush back to Hong Kong if they are feeling unwell, reminding the students of potential risks the city is facing in the fo ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-18

China expels American journalists over escalating spat with US

China announced early on Wednesday that it was retaliating against US restrictions on Chinese journalists, with actions that include rescinding the press credentials of American correspondents with th ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-18

Fed moves to backstop funding for US firms amid Covid-19 crisis

The US Federal Reserve moved Tuesday to ensure the flow of credit to US companies, banks and even local governments amid a nationwide scramble for ways to blunt the economic fallout from the coronavir ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-18

China gives nod for human trials of potential Covid-19 vaccine

China has given the go-ahead for researchers to begin human safety tests of an experimental coronavirus vaccine in the race to develop a shot against the Covid-19 epidemic that has killed more than 7, ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-18


環球金融市場過去數周以來異常動盪,新型冠狀病毒(Covid-19)疫情持續擴散、美國聯儲局緊急減息,以及石油市 ...全文



我何止努力生活,我還努力計劃今年要多見識歐洲,很多地方仍然沒有去過,努力想像自己去羅馬尼亞,去見朋友兩個孫子; ...全文


有汗用桂枝 無汗用麻黃

新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)癘氣在內地稍見緩和,卻在世界多地肆虐愈趨猛烈。如今氣溫時寒時熱,溫差相當大,最 ...全文



新冠肺炎疫情愈演愈烈,病毒檢測試劑需求大增。肯尼亞當局突擊搜查首都內羅畢一家據報出售新冠肺炎病毒檢測試劑盒的商 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月18日

安逸滋生惰性 危難激發潛能

3月17日,周二。道指隔晚瀉近三千點,眼白白看着財富極速蒸發,好友再堅定,意志亦難免動搖。在鐘擺的另一端,淡友 ...全文


環亞國際實業(01143) 其他-業務發展最新情況

環亞國際實業(01143) 有關取得新冠病毒(COVID-19) 檢測試劑盒在歐洲五國獨家代理權 之自願公告( ...全文


Impossible Foods raises US$500 mln in new financing

Plant-based meat firm Impossible Foods raised about US$500 million in its latest series F funding round despite the global coronavirus crisis and other market uncertainties. The financing round was le ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-17

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