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Silicon Hill累售560單位 套現逾45億

... 珀山及Prince Central的推售單位,相信未來日子將經常三盤齊發。 ...全文



... 中心重要性」(of central importance to security in Europe and ...全文


必嘉坊.曦匯收2161票 超購10.9倍

... 元。 Prince Central 4房戶呎售36154元 此外,新地(00016)旗下大埔白石角新盤Sili ...全文


Today’s crises are different

...  hands of central bankers and finance ministers. They included new financial regulations and fiscal and monetary policies to restore lost employment and output. Today’s crises, in contrast, are interd ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-17


... (00016)東半山Central Peak上月以雙破頂價售出一個特色戶,作價達2.88億元,實用呎價約10. ...全文


必嘉坊.曦匯收逾2000票 今截飛

... 島東半山超級豪宅項目Central Peak(Central Peak發展項目第1期)上月以2.88億元售出一 ...全文


南豐陳慧慧女婿2.88億購Central Peak特色戶

新地(00016)發展的東半山超級豪宅Central Peak,上月以雙破頂價錢售出一個特色戶,買家身份曝光, ...全文


Will China’s GDP growth fall below that of U.S.?

... his – the central or local governments or those being tested? In the first four months of 2022, retail sales of consumer goods in China fell by 0.2 per cent year-on-year, with a drop of 11.1 per cent ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-16

Will China's GDP growth fall below that of U.S.?

... his – the central or local governments or those being t ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年06月16日

Why we do not get the service we deserve these days

... aurant in Central famous for its Cantonese food. Half of the dishes were worse than they were before, according to a diner who proposed to go to this restaurant. To make things worse, the waiter was s ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-15


... 和以前Comedy Central電視台Jon Stewart的The Daily Show,我均有經常捧場。 ...全文


Economic consequences of a Ukraine peace

... road. The central point, though, is that the demand for reparations would make it harder to imagine a Russia reconciled to Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity. With a hostile Russia at it ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-14

Central banks still far behind the inflation curve

Major central banks have lost the plot when it comes to fulfilling their price-stability mandates. In April, 12-month US consumer price index (CPI) inflation was at 8.3%, down slightly from 8.5% in Ma ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-13

紅磡必嘉坊.曦匯 呎售23888貼二手
首批68伙下周賣 開放式467萬入場

... 幢豪宅Prince Central周五連沽兩伙,分別為15樓D室及12樓A室,實用面積345及436方呎,成交 ...全文


Can nuclear energy come back from the grave?

... Africa or Central Asia come on stream, or that the EU will deliver on its pledge to reduce its gas imports from Russia by two-thirds by the end of this year. Equally, the nuclear industry is still fai ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-10

首批32伙 今年最平九龍市區盤

... 伙。 Prince Central錄雙破頂成交 在成交方面,新地何文田單幢豪宅Prince Central錄雙 ...全文


What’s the crypto regulation endgame?

With cryptocurrency prices plummeting as central banks start to raise interest rates, many are wondering if this is the beginning of the end of the bubble. Perhaps not yet. But a higher opportunity co ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-08

Surviving a future of extreme heat

... hwest and central India was the highest in 122 years. This is not just a South Asian problem. In recent years, similarly extreme conditions occurred in the United States, Australia, Europe, Scandinavi ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-08

哈里發愛女照 草地野餐慶生

... 央廚房(World Central Kitchen)共捐款超過10萬美元,非常感動。這是哈里夫婦第二次發放女兒 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年06月08日

安泰黃氏3.9億掃21 BORRETT兩戶

... 何文田Prince Central加推11單位 此外,新地(00016)何文田單幢豪宅Prince Centr ...全文


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