
共 2998 個結果
頁數:1...123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 ...150

ASB Biodiesel eyes opportunities in Pearl River Delta region

ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Ltd., the largest used oil refiner in Hong Kong, is seeking to expand its production to the Pearl River Delta region in southern China in the coming years. "China has a lot o ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Hong Kong takes steps to cut food and glass waste

Hong Kong, with a population of 7.1 million in 1,104 square kilometers of land, is seeking to reduce solid waste, particularly food and glass waste, through various measures. In 2014, the city dispose ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Brazilian cities to preserve riparian forests for water security

In 2014, an unprecedented water crisis caused historically low water levels in the largest reservoir of the Cantareira system, which supplies water to São Paulo. A combination of climatic factors, an ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Recycling jeans from ocean debris is possible

The shores of tourist resort Lake Garda may seem like an unlikely place to make nylon. But it’s here that an Italian company, Aquafil, discovered a way to take discarded carpeting, clothing and fishi ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

LanzaTech turns industrial waste gases into biofuels, chemicals

In the LanzaTech laboratory, at the company’s headquarters outside Chicago, a milky liquid churns inside a steel and plastic cylinder. It contains millions of bacteria that can turn industrial waste g ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Another milestone for green transport in China

China is now the world’s largest producer of motor vehicles, and this has made exhaust gas emissions one of the country’s top sources of air pollution. Faced with worsening climate and environmental c ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Suzhou's 3D-printed garden villas stand for sustainability

As the biggest construction power in the world today, China is actively campaigning for a low-carbon footprint in its building projects, in keeping with domestic environmental protection laws that emp ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Improving urban environment with 3D modeling and big data

As you head north out of Paris along the A1 freeway, towards the international airport of Roissy-Charles de Gaulle, you are entering a zone that holds a dubious distinction. With a plethora of corpora ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Paris steps up efforts to further reduce carbon footprint

Paris already has a funny name for the beneficiaries of its new initiative: les Parisculteurs, but there’s no harvest yet. The City Council has promised Parisians some 30 hectares to cultivate by 2020 ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

An innovative way to recycle trash in Nigeria

In Lagos, Nigeria, the sights and smells of uncollected garbage are shocking. Piles of trash lay on streets, outside homes, around places of work and in areas where children play. Waste fills drainage ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Zero Mika: Morocco goes plastic bag-free

In Morocco, plastic bags are a national burden. Moroccan households consume about 25 billion of these temporary bags every year. After they have been used, they end up littered across the landscape, ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

西湖問茶之旅 味訪洪長興

一行八人乘興而來,為的是西湖茶農「茶娟」夫婦每年於西湖問茶之約,第一站先到上海,下機後直奔一家叫洪長興的老字號 ...全文



一年一度內地「雙十一」(11月11日)網購節在即,今年更將全面覆蓋香港網民。猶記得去年「雙十一」,阿里巴巴單日 ...全文


追查貪官國外存款 香港可分杯羹

大陸大小貪官下馬已經成為新常態,不算什麼新聞。不過,近日上海市起訴前副秘書長戴海波的罪名卻頗堪玩味, 除了常見 ...全文



不用太多數據闡述,僅從內地市民用「洪荒之力」在售樓處搶購物業,便知內地樓市已十分瘋狂,兼且存有一定程度的泡沫。 ...全文


金融海嘯陰霾在 海歸助港保實力

金融業是香港經濟重中之重,亦是香港的最後堡壘。國泰航空(00293)曾令港人引以為傲,惟其競爭力逐漸下滑,股價 ...全文



每逢上市公司高層「出事」,總會對股價有衝擊,例如投資者最擔心民企老闆涉貪被查拖累股價急跌;相反一些長期沉寂的家 ...全文



兩年前,在一個德國的論壇上聽到專家做工業4.0的演講,我還很驚訝,當時不太理解什麼是工業4.0。之後不到一年時 ...全文



投資銀行予人「高大上」形象,尤其是被視為「全球投行一哥」的高盛(Goldman Sachs),向來食開大茶飯, ...全文



全球數碼消費品市場愁雲慘霧,智能手機和個人電腦(PC)銷量大跌之餘,像VR、AR、物聯網、智能汽車等新概念又未 ...全文


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