
共 1100 個結果
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Why central bank digital currencies would ruin cryptocurrencies

The world’s central bankers have begun to discuss the idea of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and now even the International Monetary Fund and its managing director, Christine Lagarde, are ta ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-20


人工智能(AI)技術公司小i機器人設於中環的亞太區域總部昨開幕,董事長袁輝透露,特首林鄭月娥早上蒞臨開幕禮,對 ...全文


Irish firms see growing role for HK, mainland China after Brexit

Julie Sinnamon, the chief executive of Enterprise Ireland (EI), said that, after Britain leaves the European Union in March next year, Hong Kong and mainland China will play an increasing role as expo ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-15

Irish firms see growing role for HK, mainland China after Brexit

Julie Sinnamon, the chief executive of Enterprise Irela ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2018年11月15日

Bank of East Asia sees fintech as way forward in next 100 years

The Bank of East Asia (BEA), which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, has been a mainstay of the Hong Kong banking industry. Its development in the next 100 years will depend on financial ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-14

Regulation can help crypto business development

In recent years, we have seen many traditional media outlets branching out into or migrating to online platforms. However, the players have mostly found that it's difficult to turn online traffic into ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-14

併購壯大過時 攻數碼零售及資本業務

100年前的今日,東亞銀行(00023)正式註冊成立,在東亞工作近半個世紀的主席兼行政總裁李國寶承認,昔日銀行 ...全文


借助科企技術 拓展FinTech市場

東南亞的金融科技業(FinTech)競爭白熱化,傳統銀行和新興科技初創企業為拓展電子支付等FinTech市場, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年11月13日

JP Morgan科技攻勢或有驚喜

承上期JP Morgan的主題,今集講有關該行的法規、產品和最新業績。 上次講到歐盟《金融市場工具指令II》( ...全文


Some things we learnt from the FinTech Week

The Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018 event, which concluded last Friday, outlined hope that financial technology has a future in this city. So what did we learn? Cryptocurrencies are finally being taken se ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-07


港交所(00388)今年初宣布設立「創新實驗室」,專門物色適合集團使用的金融科技(FinTech)。在回應市場 ...全文


HK regulator proposes 'sandbox' approach for crypto exchanges

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) is proposing a "sandbox" approach in regulating cryptocurrency exchanges in Hong Kong, SFC chief executive Ashley Alder said on Thursday. In a speech at the ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-01


由於數碼資產行業發展迅速及監管審查愈趨嚴謹,FinTech Association of Hong Kong( ...全文


Circle CEO upbeat on stablecoin outlook

(Last of a two-part interview) In the first part of the interview, Jeremy Allaire, chief executive of Goldman Sachs-backed cryptocurrency startup Circle, explained how the newly launched stablecoin US ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-31


《華爾街日報》報道,股神畢非德旗下的巴郡哈撒韋一改只投資穩健藍籌大企業的作風,最近幾個月,向兩家專注新興市場的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年10月31日


近年互聯網科技發展迅猛,帶動香港的電子支付業務不斷推陳出新。9月30日,香港金融管理局正式推出了萬眾期待的快速 ...全文


野村料平保壽險業務續好轉 睇93.84元

野村 平保(02318) 評級:買入 -> 買入 目標價:93.84元-> 93.84元 (較前收 ...全文



在今天這個瞬息萬變、競爭激烈的時代,銀行業要保持優勢和追上日新月異的科技發展,培育不同背景和專才的年輕精英至為 ...全文


Prince Harry

坐在big conference room一角,聽着Neil說開場白,各人開始short briefing的時 ...全文


各享10萬資助 有望獲數碼港培育

數碼港(Cyberport)旗下的「數碼港.大學合作夥伴計劃 2018」(CUPP),演示日已於周二(23日) ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月25日

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