
共 1187 個結果
頁數:1...42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ...60

Trump's missing North Korea strategy

US President Donald Trump certainly has a point when he complains that he inherited the difficult problem in North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has shown no interest in negotiation, or even ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-30


... ENSINGTON HILL僅餘3伙,部署下周開放現樓示範單位;另位於何文田的ONE HOMANTIN將於明年 ...全文


美球員在華高買 感謝總統救回家

... 和賴利(Jalen Hill),均來自加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA),其中利安哲奴波爾是NBA新秀朗素波爾(L ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月17日

烤肉熏香 肉食主義

... 中「Heavens Hill」較容易入口,可以直接飲用;而「Maker's Mark」則味道偏辣較重,適合用餐 ...全文


Boy, 12, critical after being hit by bike in Tai Po

A 12-year-old male student was in critical condition after being hit by a bicycle darting down a steep hill in Tai Po on Monday, Apple Daily reports. The victim, surnamed Ho, was among a group of stud ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-07


... Blueberry Hill)、《難道不遺憾嗎》(Ain't That a Shame)、《活着與踢着》(Al ...全文


Gurkhas in the First World War

...  from the hills of Nepal to the British Raj didn't start right away. But it took root under Maharaja Jang Bahadur Rana who took the relationship to a new height by heading south umpteen times with tro ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-02

An agenda for US-Iran negotiations

US President Donald Trump has decided not to certify that Iran is in compliance with the terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the agreement constraining Iran’s nuclear weapons prog ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-01


... Lexington Hill,並貼近新地(00016)去年透過強拍統一業權的保發大樓。 市場人士估計,若該工廈 ...全文


Optimizing waste management with the right equipment

In order to optimize your waste management processes, you must focus on getting the right kind of waste handling equipment to ensure that waste is processed for the next phase. By appropriately breaki ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-29

New ways to make the consumer connection

... ng of the hill now. When it comes to selling standardized goods out of centralized distribution centers, we would argue that no one — not even Wal-Mart — offers greater choice and convenience at lower ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-28

Domestic helpers in Sheung Wan get highest pay in HK: survey

... y Diamond Hill (HK$4,343) in Kowloon and Shau Kei Wan (HK$4,337), in the northeast of Hong Kong Island. Not surprisingly, the districts in which the salary is the highest are those in which the requir ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-15

加息壓力增 鎊滙應聲飆

... 經濟師希爾(Sam Hill)認為,央行面對進退兩難的情況,一方面通脹升溫,令他們難以向外界解釋為何仍然不加息 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年09月13日


... 學校(Summer Hill School)、以麥當勞手法營運教育,到如今鬧得熱烘烘的芬蘭理想學制,其中詳情筆 ...全文


海航緩海外擴張 遏槓桿
強調財務歷來最穩 無隱瞞股權架構

... 作夥伴Murray Hill Properties手中,以約3.2億美元,收購位於曼哈頓第六大道1180號的寫 ...全文



... ty upon a hill),只見一片好景,該國「鐵銹地帶」(rust belt)的城鎮,就隨處可見倒閉商店 ...全文


狂歌熱舞 使錢夠豪

英國諾丁山嘉年華(Notting Hill Carnival)被認為是歐洲規模最大的街頭滙演,表演者穿上華麗衣 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金錢圖譜2017年09月02日

入世界級禁地 難過「上車」

... 山(Menwith Hill)的英國皇家空軍基地,是一個通訊攔截和導彈預警站,內建一座巨大的衞星地面站,是全球 ...全文



... 總裁Elliott Hill等人面談的照片,並附上說明:「8月29日,萬達集團董事長王健林在萬達集團總部會見耐 ...全文


Hikers suffer heat stroke as temperatures soar

...  from the hilly region and ferried him to the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. Wong was conscious when he arrived at the hospital but seemed disoriented. After treating him for heat-related c ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-21

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