
共 1182 個結果
頁數:1...52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

The hidden wonders of Chi Ma Wan Peninsula

... limb up a hilltop, Miu Tsai Tun (廟仔墩), where lying next to an outcrop of rock is a temple. It’s tiny, but not its fame. Once upon a time, a hiker came by, left a five-dollar note and helped himself to ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-21

Man shoots stray dog with crossbow in Tsz Wan Shan

... king up a hill near Tse Ching Estate at around 7:30 a.m. on Monday, Apple Daily reported. She said she saw a raincoat-clad man aiming a crossbow at the stray dog, a two-year-old yellow mongrel named B ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-17

Passengers walk away from four-vehicle smash-up

It's not often people walk away from a smash-up unscathed. But they did on Monday in Braemar Hill -- and they can thank their lucky stars. The accident happened when a school bus cut loose after the b ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-17


... 98年,他們Red Hill一個朋友退休賣耕地,夫婦兩人決定買下來種葡萄。開始時,他們由黑皮諾、莎當妮、蘇維翁 ...全文


Volunteers remove mountain of soda cans on Maclehose Trail

...  down the hill by foot. They hope their action will encourage hikers not to leave their trash behind and to be more conscious of their role in protecting the environment. Aside from soft drinks, hike ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-16

This state of mind is a favorite meeting place

Where a bay once stood in the shadow of a hill, public housing blocks now dot the area. But Ngau Chi Wan or "cattle pond" bay survives thanks to a number of landmarks named after it -- Ngau Chi Wan Ci ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-14

Hong Kong music culture: From mono to full stereo

... out, Mike Hill, a Yorkshire-born Englishman, Justin Sweeting and Jay Forester were only scratching the surface. Last year, 40,000 attended the event and Clockenflap Music and Arts Festival would becom ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-14


... (Jonathan Hill)訪港,他明言,歐洲歡迎所有的商貿機會,希望香港與歐洲雙方鞏固現有的良好關係,探討 ...全文


墨爾本Doncaster East大型屋苑 罕有10年租保 反應熱烈 現加推第二期

... 抵Beverley Hills Primary School,為學童提供優質的教育。 Doncaster E ...全文


Hong Kong remains gateway to China for EU funds

This week, I am in Hong Kong to meet ministers, regulators and businesses. My goal? To discuss how we can build on the strong links we already enjoy between the European Union and Hong Kong. The EU i ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13

Govt paychecks: The big gravy train

... n Shouson Hill near Deep Water Bay in Southern District. So it's no wonder that a government job is regarded as an "iron rice bowl". In the context of Hong Kong, it means a job that is not only decent ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12

Devil's Peak: Kowloon's fortress hill

Most people would think of hiking as an arduous activity that involves climbing steep hills and trekking rugged paths in the middle of nowhere in the New Territories, usually on a Saturday morning. It ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-07

Luk Chau Shan: Why it rocks

... p Pyramid Hill (大金鐘) nearby, which can test the endurance of hikers.  Glancing at Luk Chau Shan from a distance, it appears as a rock jungle. It is particularly magnificent when you arrive at Shek Lun ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-07

多倫多三大發展商MENKES 來港推名校豪宅項目The Eglinton

... ,如在Forest Hill,你可以找到多倫多最尊貴的地段和經典豪大宅;Lawrence Park則是多倫多市 ...全文


西澳洲柏斯Hamilton Hill升值潛力優厚

... 地Hamilton Hill更是西澳洲首府柏斯其中一個樓價升幅最強勁的地區,無論自住或投資都是上佳之選。 柏斯 ...全文


星新盤周末推 逾千萬入場

... 位處 Leonie Hill Road 33 號,鄰近烏節路,由兩棟35層住宅大廈組成,提供462伙,面積54 ...全文


英國音樂狂熱分子 蝕都要搞音樂節

... 對落後。」Mike Hill說。他是在香港住了17年的英國人,既是DJ又是IT顧問,2008年與兩位居港外籍人 ...全文



... 是「Pyramid Hill」。從前的人不知世上有金字塔,遠看其形似古廟內的大鐘,因而命名。無論是金字塔還是大 ...全文


墨爾本Doncaster East大型屋苑 罕有提供十年4.5厘租金保證

... 抵Beverley Hills Primary School,為學童提供優質的教育。 Doncaster E ...全文


摩天大廈湧現 祥符廣場矚目

為滿足市場對住宅需求,白馬市政府容許放寬博士山(Box Hill)城區的地積比率,令區內將出現更多高層住宅大廈 ...全文


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