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墨爾本小屋 300萬有找
華人聚居博士山 食住行配套完善

... 里的博士山(Box Hill),肯定是買家入市焦點之一,皆因該城區多港人居住,日常講廣東話亦可通行無阻。 幾乎 ...全文



... 轄的博士山(Box Hill)為例,獨立屋樓價中位數於9月升至126.4萬澳元(約712萬港元),兩個月升約4 ...全文



... 為對我來說,可以與Phillip Jones見面談Bass Phillip,其他的黑皮諾酒莊見或不見,也無所謂 ...全文


HK dying a slow death by selective decolonization

... d Shouson Hill Road? What’s the next thing that will succumb to this decolonization campaign? Does all of this sound like Hong Kong’s rule of law, separation of powers and judicial independence, let a ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-26

'Best of British' cultural festival to debut in HK in November

... d Notting Hill will be screened at the outdoor cinema, which can accommodate up to 1,000 people. Carnaby Street, a shopping street in Westminster, central London, will be replicated at the Chater Gard ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-16

倫敦市中心罕有豪宅Hexagon Apartments 地理位置無可匹敵 買家必爭

... 面的Notting Hill;步行10分鐘至Tottenham Court Road,從該站乘搭Norther ...全文


China State Construction accused of pouring effluents into sea

... he Scenic Hill in Chek Lap Kok to the bridge. According to the Apple Daily report, the firm discharged effluents into an area close to Kwo Lo Wan Road and near the headquarters of the Civil Aviation D ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-02

Gunman opens fire at Oregon college in latest US mass killing

... s, down a hill and waited. From talking with a student in the classroom where it happen, almost every person in the room was shot by a man with four guns," Winder wrote. "I'm still shaken up ... I can ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-02

Take a glimpse of Hong Kong’s mining past

... lk up the hill to Ma On Shan Village. Time: Around two hours Tips: Lutheran Grace Youth Camp, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong, is open to the public every first three Wednesdays and weekends ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-26

三新股明硬撼 逆市集資45億
IMAX 3485元入場 維珍妮今推介

... L、Hutchin Hill及萬方資產管理的主要基金Myriad Opportunities Master F ...全文


HK climber willing to go to jail in fight for democracy

During last year’s pro-democracy Occupy protests, a local group of climbers who called themselves “Hong Kong Spidie” scaled the 495-meter-high Lion Rock Hill in Kowloon and hung a huge yellow banner t ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-22

How Japan is sucking the air out of its neighbors in tourism

... lace on a hill overlooking the harbor to greet the cruise ships that arrive from China. Malaysia has fallen in the rankings because of ill will that arose from the Malaysian Airlines 370 plane bound f ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-17

US urged to tighten cyber security to counter Chinese hacking

... n Capitol Hill and on the Republican presidential campaign trail for President Barack Obama to take a tougher line against China on cyber issues. Obama is due to meet Xi in late September. Clapper cal ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-11


... 不提Notting Hill著名的波特貝羅市場(Portobello Market),它不單是電影《摘星奇緣》 ...全文


North Korea’s endgame

Negotiators from the two Koreas appear to have resolved this month’s crisis, in which South Korea’s use of loudspeakers to broadcast messages across the demilitarized zone spurred threats of war from ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-28

悉尼「富貴區」 情迷大宅門

... 居地Hunters Hill,該區的獨立屋(House)售價動輒近200萬澳元(約1137.6萬港元)。 根據 ...全文


明星聚居地 華裔佔少數

Hunters Hill貴為悉尼「最富貴」城區之一,這片「福地」又出了什麼本土名人呢?原來金像影后姬蒂白蘭芝( ...全文


Boundary Street: A metaphor for Hong Kong's uncertain future

... n a small hill near today’s Hotung Road to guard the frontier and fend off attacks by brigands from the neighboring mountainous areas. One fact that many Hongkongers may not be aware of is that large ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-21


... rren、Buck Hill等,透過他們口述的親身經歷,展示了爵士樂在美國萌芽茁壯的挑戰以及取得的成就。片中除 ...全文



... 本營Capitol Hill,空降了間15600方呎的豪裝Starbucks Reserve Roastery ...全文


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