
共 495 個結果
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Legendary American astronaut John Glenn dies at 95

... t and the Kennedy-era quest to explore outer space as a "new frontier". President Barack Obama, who in 2012 awarded Glenn the nation's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, said: ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-09

MTR's South Island Line opens on Dec. 28

... ne toward Kennedy Town and the Tsuen Wan Line platforms. Budget for the Admiralty Station expansion comes from the Sha Tin to Central Link construction fund, with the Legislative Council having approv ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-06

Tsang has the makings of a good CE but he just can't run

... t Harvard Kennedy School of Government. His old classmate made him director of the Chief Executive's Office after Tung’s resignation in 2005. This article appeared in the December issue of the Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-05


... Joseph P. Kennedy,甘迺迪總統的父親)作為駐英大使,也相當具戲劇性。約瑟夫.P.甘迺迪是著名企 ...全文


Cubans worry over life after Castro with Trump next door

... t John F. Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis a year later. During 49 years in office, he crossed swords with 10 US presidents. And while he took a lower profile after officially retiring in 2008, Cas ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-28

外人僭越 企業個人各有千秋

... acqueline Kennedy)不但是甘迺迪的精神支柱,更是他的私人外交官,「協助」甘迺迪在冷戰時期緩和歐 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野凌劍豪2016年11月26日

抄襲及裸照損形象 重獲認同不易

... acqueline Kennedy)的路線,作風低調。 52歲的米歇爾本身是作家與律師,又是美國史上首位黑人第 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global政權移交2016年11月11日


... ristopher Kennedy為中國森林的共同法定清盤人。清盤人今年4月入稟高等法院,控告渣打、瑞銀及畢馬 ...全文



昨天我們分享過甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)總統的風流韻事,為何無損其受歡迎程度,更值得特朗普參考的 ...全文



... 迪(John F. Kennedy)有過之而無不及,為什麼對其魅力絲毫無損?這就得從他的艷史談起。 2013年 ...全文


'Magical blades' of bus pickpockets openly on sale on Taobao

... ading for Kennedy Town.  The police say that they have recorded five cases of pickpocketing on public buses so far this month. Authorities believe the thefts took place as the victims had their wallet ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-28

共和黨北卡支部受襲 遭塗鴉「納粹滾蛋」

... 迪(Patrick Kennedy)曾向FBI提出,要求把希拉莉經私人電郵伺服器收發的機密電郵解密,以「等價交 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global美國大選2016年10月18日

End of an era: Cathay’s beloved 747 bids farewell to HK

... s John F. Kennedy Airport, the world’s longest passenger flight route back then. For days the beloved jumbo jet’s sentimental last flyover dominated local social media discourse with aviation aficiona ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-07


... (Kathleen Kennedy Townsend)在Facebook發放,雖然老布殊的密友抱怨湯森洩露隱私 ...全文


Tseung Kwan O: When urban planning goes wrong

“Having lived in Tseung Kwan O for a few years, I can honestly say that living in prison is probably more bearable.” That’s my friend's tongue-in-cheek response when I, a Kennedy Town resident, told h ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-28

港鐵效應 西環呎租逼半山
南里壹號每呎76元 兩天接連破頂

... 、IMPERIAL KENNEDY及加多近山等可供選擇,吸引不少外籍客由半山改租西環樓。 Q房網營業經理陳振興 ...全文


共和黨續分裂 老布殊寧票投希拉莉

... 迪(John F. Kennedy)姪女湯森(Kathleen Kennedy Townsend)周一在Fac ...全文

今日信報EJ Global美國大選2016年09月21日


... 國的John F. Kennedy總統通過的利息平衡稅法案(Interest Equalization Tax ...全文


Philippine revenge drama wins Venice Film Fest top prize

... acqueline Kennedy in the aftermath of the assassination of her husband US President John F. Kennedy. The special jury prize went to Ana Lily Amirpour's cannibal-survivor fairytale The Bad Batch. While ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-12

This eatery has look, feel and taste of all things Vietnamese

... n June in Kennedy Town, everything was in place. Its owners made sure it lived up to its name in look, feel and taste. The restaurant is wrapped in turquoise and features rich wood paneling and bamboo ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-09

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