
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ...150

An annual check-up for the climate movement

... ry – is a landmark achievement. Historically, the United States has been the world’s biggest carbon polluter and one of the biggest laggards in international fora. But now, the IRA should put it on a ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-06

啟德供應重鎮 承豐道19號隨時出擊

... 型住宅項目NOVO LAND第1A期及第1B期,去年六輪銷售共賣出逾1538伙,成為去年熱賣紅盤。今年該集團將 ...全文


The victimized Hong Kong travellers

... g Kong to land only at four designated airports – excluding Hongkongers’ favourite destinations-Hokkaido and Fukuoka. The new arrangement is said to affect over 60,000 Hong Kong passengers. A number o ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-04

The fuel of the future

... ulations’ land and water under the guise of fighting climate change? The short answer to all these questions is yes. But that is neither inevitable nor the whole story. Yes, the green hydrogen dream c ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-04

新盤9170宗成交 一手例後新低
新地膺去年賣樓王 長實吸金260億稱冠

... 型住宅項目NOVO LAND第1A期及第1B期等大熱紅盤,去年共售出約2930伙,膺2022年「賣樓王」;長實 ...全文


屯門54區兩地申放寬地積比 涉2495戶公營房屋

政府持續檢視增加公營房屋供應,房委會最新就鄰近屯門青山醫院、大型新盤NOVO LAND的第54區2幅用地,新近 ...全文


Bridge to the metaverse: 5 tips for the new digital frontier

... orms with land for sale via better known blockchains such as Ethereum. Questions:- What are some metaverse platform options that customers will likely be considering?- What factors might customers be ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-20

The pitfalls cultural policy entrepreneurs must navigate

... , serious land war since the conclusion of World War II. The rising antagonism and wariness concerning China has, too, given rise to art that overtly or implicitly criticises the country; such art for ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-16


... titute of Land Surveyors),然而其中向為英國皇家特許測量師學會成員者,卻多保留雙會籍不 ...全文



... 16)屯門NOVO LAND項目,今年推出第1A及第1B期,累計售出1545伙,佔該兩個期數共1624伙約95 ...全文



... 瓏I、屯門NOVO LAND第1A及1B期、大埔白石角SILICON HILL第1期,以及粉嶺One Inno ...全文


Food security is national security

Despite containing 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land, Africa has been a net food importer for decades. According to the most recent estimates, food imports are the biggest budget item for ma ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-13

What the COP15 Biodiversity Conference must do

... 0% of all land and ocean areas by 2030. Leaders must come to Montreal with both the national plans and the financing needed to advance these objectives. When I was first elected president of Colombia ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-08


... 府土地註冊局(HM Land Registry)數據,今年9月英國整體住宅樓價約31.43萬英鎊(約297萬港 ...全文


Be swift and precise to attract businesses and investments

...  year for land development, investments in industry development are essential to turn the San Tin Technopole in the Metropolis into “Hong Kong’s Silicon Valley”. Instead of incessantly funding economi ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-02


... 一個「奧茲的國土」(Land of Oz),偏處一隅。若想去那裏,並不容易,須穿越一個「死亡沙漠」,其內有一片 ...全文



... t in Merryland,描述的是另一個地方「梅里蘭」或「歡愉之地」。但在《綠野仙蹤》出版四年後,他重回到 ...全文


Think again about persistent inflation, and the non-partisan Fed

... ets (like land) and fake assets (like... cryptocurrencies). Meanwhile, long-term interest rates remain unmoved, so the yield curve flattens or even becomes inverted, eventually causing credit markets ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-23

Make COP27 a turning point for food systems

... lture and land use. Far more is needed to ensure sustainable food production, which in turn would bring benefits to billions of people, as well as to the climate and other species. Smallholder farmers ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-18

處理地界 卸責心態

... 是一個土地測量權威(Land Survey Authority)所應為。 究其原因,亦可說是公務員「少做少錯, ...全文


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