
共 662 個結果
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How WeChat monitors information flow and tackles fake news

... ence (AI) lab with WeChat, described WeSeer as a powerful software that can predict which articles are likely to go viral in the next hour, pinpoint key accounts driving the spread of information, as ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-27

廖偉芬咖啡濃情 成長路甜苦交織
廖創興家族後人 高質品味暖貧民

...  Roastery Lab,發現與傳統的coffee shop很不同:裝修簡約,以黑、白、灰作主調,最特別是一 ...全文



... NITH Defy Lab 44毫米Aeronith錶殼搭配真力時振盪器(ZO 342型自動機芯),60小時動 ...全文


鐘錶版「奧斯卡」 鑑賞奪獎佳作

... NITH Defy Lab奪得,絕對實至名歸,此腕錶正是目前全世界最精準的機械錶,重點是將1675年科學家Ch ...全文


AV Concept斥1000萬攻網媒

... 地內容,並藉830 Lab培育本地創意行業人才,這兩項業務的行政總裁蘇智燊直言,香港有不少創作人才,但可能缺乏 ...全文


US issues technical alert on 'North Korea cyber attacks'

... Kaspersky Lab’s software on their systems in a review prompted by concerns the antivirus firm is vulnerable to Kremlin influence, a security official told Congress. Jeanette Manfra, assistant secretar ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-15


... 訪時稱,騰訊的AI Lab有免費雲端資源,也開放基礎接口,助來也的人工智能系統深度學習、理解語意,故不需要從零 ...全文



...  去年集團成立AI Lab後,積極進軍人工智能範疇,騰訊AI Lab主任張潼說, 實驗室除了把技術應用到公司的 ...全文



智能手機每過一兩年就會被淘汰,製造大量電子垃圾。三星創意實驗室(C-Lab)近日示範以40部舊款Galaxy ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月31日

Startups from a woman founder's perspective

Busy people tend to ignore the basic needs of their bodies, especially when it comes to drinking water. That is why Groking Lab has developed Ozmo, a smart-bottle and app which track users’ beverage c ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-30

How the startup ecosystem is set up to thrive

... rs and collaborators. But perhaps most importantly, the startup ecosystem also encourages innovation. Established companies need to ensure that innovation is driving it forward, pushing it further. Ra ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-30

推智能水杯硬撼機械人 港女見盡創科潛規則

市場憧憬AI(人工智能)前景無限,Groking Lab行政總裁鮑思穎(Serena)卻專心一致研發智能水杯O ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月30日

US scientists unveil powerful new tools to fix genetic faults

... dy, Liu’s lab researchers engineered an entirely new enzyme that could convert an AT to a GC pair, something that had previously not been possible. The research goal was tantalizing because about half ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-26

勒索軟件「壞兔子」 俄烏兩國齊中招

... Kaspersky Lab)表示,「壞兔子」的滲透方式與NotPetya相似,正調查兩者是否有關聯。美國國土安 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年10月26日

New wave of cyber attacks hits Russia, other nations

... Kaspersky Lab said BadRabbit appeared to spread through a mechanism similar to June’s destructive NotPetya virus, which took down many Ukrainian government agencies and businesses. It then spread acro ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-25

Preempting the next pandemic

... dearth of labs and clinics. And many funding agencies, including governments and NGOs, typically offer only one-year commitments, which rules out long-term planning. For years, scientists, physicians, ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-24

Alphabet balloons to provide limited internet in Puerto Rico

Experimental communications balloons provided by Alphabet Inc. in collaboration with AT&T Inc. will allow some of the carrier’s customers in storm-ravaged Puerto Rico to send texts and access crit ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-23

N Korea suspected to be behind Taiwan SWIFT cyber-heist

... Kaspersky Lab and California-based Symantec. BAE's claim that Lazarus is likely responsible for the hack on Taiwan's Far Eastern International Bank prompts observers to suspect that North Korea contin ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-17

Hackers exploiting Flash software, Adobe warns

... Kaspersky Lab said a group it was tracking, BlackOasis, used a previously unknown weakness to plant malicious software on computers before connecting them back to servers in Switzerland, Bulgaria and ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-17


... al Living Lab」。思科利用旗下物聯網平台Cisco Kinetic,協助從互聯物件中摘取、運算及遷 ...全文


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