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會德豐地產常務董事黃光耀指出,該集團旗下九龍東啟德MONACO ONE屬於該集團位於啟德城中心最後一個發展項目 ...全文



九龍建業(00034)旗下將軍澳石角路海茵莊園收票熾熱,截至昨日累收約3000票,最快今日加推不少於156伙, ...全文


會地啟德新盤命名MONACO ONE

會德豐地產宣布,位於啟德沐泰街10號的住宅項目正式命名為「MONACO ONE」。 會德豐地產常務董事黃光耀稱 ...全文


大手客1.8億掃St. George's Mansions兩伙

近期新盤大額成交頻現,信置(00083)牽頭發展的何文田超級豪宅項目St. George's Mansions ...全文


晉環ONE SOHO周末勢對壘
齊提價6.6%加推 御海灣II部署參戰

新盤市場急促升溫,兩大焦點盤昨日齊齊加推,加幅進取。路勁基建(01098)旗下路勁地產牽頭發展的香港仔黃竹坑站 ...全文


維港滙1期批預售 港島南岸800戶矚目

今年市場矚目大盤之一,由會德豐地產、信置(00083)、嘉華國際(00173)、世茂房地產(00813)及爪哇 ...全文


經典錶框 方形美學

腕錶錶盤設計一向多元化,相對之下,錶框設計變化大都離不開形狀的改變,繼經典的圓形外,正方、長方形算是另一款辨識 ...全文


Flying car costing more than US$1 million unveiled in Monaco

A Slovakia-based company unveiled the commercial design for a flying car priced at more than US$1 million, saying it was ready for pre-orders with first deliveries expected by 2020, Reuters reports. A ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-21

Player injured in explosions at German football team bus

Three explosions hit a German football team bus just ahead of a major game in the city of Dortmund on Tuesday, seriously injuring one player. Officials said three bombs hidden in a hedge went off as a ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-12

HK-based Canadian wins US$12.2 million in world poker tournament

A Canadian national living in Hong Kong has won the grand prize in an international poker tournament in Monte Carlo. Elton Tsang, 35, an IT businessman and professional poker player, pocketed 11,111,1 ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-19

Wanda boss buys a Monet, China Telecom chief dines at Tsui Wah

Money is no object for China's well-heeled set, but what pleases the eye or palate is, of course, a matter of taste. For some tycoons, it's hanging a Monet on the wall of their living room, while anot ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-12

A silk glove for China's iron fist

For years, China has sought to encircle South Asia with a "string of pearls": a network of ports connecting its eastern coast to the Middle East that would boost its strategic clout and maritime acces ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-05

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