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ONE STANLEY複式大宅6108萬售出

建灝地產赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目ONE STANLEY再錄成交,今日以招標形式售出一個天際複式大宅,成交價6108 ...全文


What can be done to tackle climate crisis

... t can be done? We must swiftly transition to higher levels of renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, nature rehabilitation and more to significantly reduce greenhouse gases emissions. At ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-22

One Stanley臨海洋房最快5月登場

樓市撤辣後,一手市場交投氣氛轉活,豪宅市場也受帶動。建灝地產赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目One Stanley,屬於同 ...全文


百勝經營得宜 餐飲王國鼎盛

... o Bell is one of the most innovative companies 作者為博士、財務 ...全文


新盤單日賣25伙 半數交易額均達半億

... 赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目One Stanley則佔4伙。 根據成交紀錄冊顯示,凱玥周五售出8伙,成交價5085.6 ...全文



建灝地產赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目ONE STANLEY以招標方式售出4個單位,合共套現近3.14億元;其中,1幢海 ...全文


Scholz, Xi disagree over over-capacity, Ukraine invasion

... to settle one third of all Russian exports, up from 0.4 per cent before the war. Video footage from the front line shows Chinese vehicles used by Russian soldiers being blown up by Ukrainian drones an ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-18

Germany fears white ships bringing Chinese EVs

... acity was one of the issues raised by U.S. Treasury Sec ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月18日

天水圍香島中學 培養三大特質「香島人」

... ,學校針對文憑試開設One on One計劃,安排老師以一對一形式英語支援,每周課後進行額外個人化補習。「將名 ...全文


朗賢峯呎價19988 何文田8年低

... 若果對比樓齡近7年的ONE HOMANTIN及逾8年的天鑄等,近期二手平均成交呎價約17000元至25900元 ...全文


Equip young people for the future

In late February, the inaugural flight of an air taxi from Shenzhen Shekou Cruise Homeport to Zhuhai Jiuzhou Port took only 20 minutes with an estimated one-way ticket price of 200 to 300 yuan per per ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-15


... 赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目One Stanley,昨天再加推2伙複式戶,本周四(18日)起招標。   ...全文


ONE STANLEY兩個花園複式戶周四標售

建灝地產赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目ONE STANLEY上載第2號銷售安排,加推2個花園複式單位,周四(18日)起以 ...全文


Blue Coast收1.7萬票 超購91倍
周末兩日12新盤開售 涉242單位

... 赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目One Stanley,亦同步以招標形式發售首批10伙。 將軍澳LP10豪客9347萬掃3 ...全文


Hong Kong must tell a more candid and balanced China story

There exists a curious bifurcation in international discourse on China today. On one hand, there are those who prevaricate between either of the following narratives – firstly that China has purported ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12

Are we raising a generation of leaders, or of followers?

... an enable one to stand out and persevere for longer, they will also duly follow suit. In some ways, the malleability of our youth generates all the more pressing moral obligations on our part to liber ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12


經濟學中有一個基本原理叫做一價定律(Law of One Price),其背後理論十分簡單:在完全競爭市場中, ...全文


長汽海外銷量破頂 宜低吸

... 布了全球品牌戰略及「ONE GWM」全球品牌行動綱領,未來公司基於全新戰略,將聚焦GWM品牌,以旗下品牌的品類 ...全文


Germany fears white ships bringing Chinese EVs

... acity was one of the issues raised by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in talks with Vice Premier He Lifeng last weekend in Guangzhou. “Excessive Chinese exports could undercut American interests ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11

The urgent need for reforms to sex education in Hong Kong

Nearly one in every four university students (23%) in Hong Kong has been sexually harassed, according to a 2019 report published by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). A 2019 study found that lo ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11

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