
共 3000 個結果
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Are we raising a generation of leaders, or of followers?

... an enable one to stand out and persevere for longer, they will also duly follow suit. In some ways, the malleability of our youth generates all the more pressing moral obligations on our part to liber ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12


經濟學中有一個基本原理叫做一價定律(Law of One Price),其背後理論十分簡單:在完全競爭市場中, ...全文


長汽海外銷量破頂 宜低吸

... 布了全球品牌戰略及「ONE GWM」全球品牌行動綱領,未來公司基於全新戰略,將聚焦GWM品牌,以旗下品牌的品類 ...全文


Germany fears white ships bringing Chinese EVs

... acity was one of the issues raised by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in talks with Vice Premier He Lifeng last weekend in Guangzhou. “Excessive Chinese exports could undercut American interests ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11

The urgent need for reforms to sex education in Hong Kong

Nearly one in every four university students (23%) in Hong Kong has been sexually harassed, according to a 2019 report published by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). A 2019 study found that lo ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-11

North Korea could be a different country

Kim Jong Un is one of the most dangerous men on the pla ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月11日

7盤2779伙應市 主打中價樓
本月一手成交料三千宗 Blue Coast暫超購53倍

... 赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目One Stanley本周六起以招標形式發售首批10伙。 會德豐地產與港鐵合作的將軍澳日出 ...全文


Blue Coast呎價25307加推96戶
次輪晒冷 184單位周六公開發售

... 赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目One Stanley則公布首份銷售安排,本周六起以招標形式發售10伙,包括3幢洋房,實用 ...全文


ONE STANLEY首批10伙招標發售

建灝地產赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目ONE STANLEY上載銷售安排第1號,首批推出10伙,包括3幢海景獨立洋房及7 ...全文


STEAM should be linked to real life

In the 2017 Policy Address, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education was proposed as one of the eight major directions to promote I&T development. Since then, funding has ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-08

North Korea could be a different country

Kim Jong Un is one of the most dangerous men on the planet. The third member of the Kim dynasty to rule North Korea, he has at least 50 nuclear warheads he could fire at Seoul, Tokyo or San Francisco. ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-05

China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs–will it work?

... om Blackstone, Bloomberg, Qualcomm, Pfizeer and Fedex. ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月04日

Blue Coast加推174伙 周六賣422戶
撤辣後首輪開售最多單位 料調整價格

...  LAND第3期。 One Stanley快上載招標文件 另外,建灝地產赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目One Stanl ...全文


Russia increasingly resembles North Korea

... ng its opponents, at home and abroad. This year Vladimir Putin will visit Pyongyang for the first time in more than 20 years. North Korea has become a major supplier of arms to Russia in its war in Uk ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-02

Let trees speak for themselves

...  of which one million are in heavy-trafficked locations. The number is so huge and the governance needs to be improved. One of the problems is the wide difference in resources such as manpower and equ ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-02

ONE STANLEY最快7日內上載招標文件

建灝地產赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目ONE STANLEY,最快7日內上載招標文件,並計劃提供多項靈活付款辦法,包括3 ...全文



... 時,亞馬遜去年收購的One Medical,提供24小時按需要的虛擬護理,及當日和次日的預約——考慮到美國主要 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2024年04月02日


... 數字供應鏈網絡供應商One Network Enterprises,作價8.39億美元(65.44億港元)。 ...全文


China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs – will it work?

... om Blackstone, Bloomberg, Qualcomm, Pfizeer and Fedex. They met several ministers and the exchanges were more direct than last year, according to those who attended. But they did not meet Premier Li Q ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-28


... 公司Capital One以350億美元收購對手Discover Financial Services,以及美 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年03月28日

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