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恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目首階段BAKER CIRCLE ONE第三期命名為BAKER CIRCL ...全文


With great power comes great responsibility-but why?

... ives. Yet one may also see the opposite as true. For one, those in positions of greater political and official power, may have already done a lot to get to where they are - thus on grounds of fairness ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-20

Where have all the top students gone?

... marry someone in these fields. Of course, that was before we used WeChat and Taobao. Now, everyone knows the importance of science and technology, which spells the future of Hong Kong and China. Howev ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-20

What the climate fight is really about

...  negative ones associated with climatic tipping points. Still, while the pace of clean-energy deployment is faster than it has ever been, the world overall is racing in the wrong direction: global gre ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-19

Is the US economy headed for a soft landing?

... eaded for one in 2023 or 2024. Similarly, the global economy has avoided a contraction. To be sure, aggressive monetary tightening is often followed by a slump. But that does not mean that a hard land ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-18

Japanese yen likely to see further upside from current level

... w of its monetary policy “with a planned timeframe of around one to one and a half years”. Markets repriced accordingly, with the 10-year yield of Japanese Government Bonds (JGB) remaining comfortably ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-18

The World Bank reflects our ambition

... nt world, one where climate resilience is strong, pandemics are manageable, food is abundant, and fragility and poverty are defeated. Our challenges don’t respect lines on a map and won’t be adequatel ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-18


... ning Part One)便做了很好示範。 電影一開始便氣勢逼人。俄羅斯潛艇號稱無敵,因為能在海底避過一切監 ...全文



... ning Part One)在北美洲的首個周末票房失利,只有5620萬美元(約4.38億港元),遜Boxoff ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年07月18日

Rate reset may fuel a new bond bull market

...  the Eurozone also calls for a weakflation scenario. By contrast, China’s growth should reaccelerate this year. Inflation Falling in U.S., Remains Sticky in Europe Inflation is starting to fall from h ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-17

Ireland’s rise to prosperity: The gains and pains

When Ireland joined the European Union in 1973, it was the poorest member. Now it is one of the richest, with a per capita GDP last year double that of Britain. In 2022, its GDP grew 12.2 per cent, th ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-17

Changing the culture at the World Bank

...  by GDP alone. While the Bank’s assessment process should emphasize that many climate projects can deliver high rates of return, it is crucial to recognize that there are valid reasons to invest in pr ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-14

HK financial service organisations need to be more creative

... erforming one or more of three roles: Facilitator – managing transactions; Enabler – providing loans and mortgages; and Advisor – helping customers navigate the complex web of pensions, investments, t ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-14

LiFi技術框架出爐 裝燈泡經光線上網

... t Antenna ONE模組【下圖】,已於今年世界流動通訊大會亮相,料明年有更多手機廠商採用。 速度達22 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年07月14日

From four NOes to four YESes

One fundamental issue that hinders China’s post-pandemic economic rebound is what is known as the “four noes” among the younger generations, meaning theydo not want to fall in love, they have no inter ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-13

In Britain, three million use food banks

“I work in a food bank in Southwark, South London. We have clients of all colours and money and food from many sources, with a small subsidy from the local government. The numbers went up during the s ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-13


... ,曾經用「from one to many」來形容三井搵商機的獨特方式。 飯島舉例說,當三井能源部門收購得州一 ...全文



... ning Part One)有口皆碑,那場飛車跳崖戲,早在半年前已釋出拍攝Making of,不過在IMAX大 ...全文



... ’Train和My One and Only Love……喝着兒子買給我的雞尾酒Highball,一邊瀏覽窗外 ...全文



... 系統,是國內首家量產ONE-BOX集成式線控制動系統的企業,該公司研製的第二代線控制動系統(WCBS2.0), ...全文


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