
共 3000 個結果
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Standing up to AI surveillance

... e urgent. One sensible proposal is to limit patents on surveillance technologies to discourage their development and overuse. All else being equal, this could tilt the development of AI-related techno ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-14

Is quantum computing a revolutionary technology?

... y perform one calculation at a time. Our computers today work in binary, 0s or 1s, to form a long string of instructions, indicating what the computer should do, such as displaying videos, Facebook po ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-13

Mount Everest: Do we have what it takes?

... many. Yet one can never truly know if they are prepared for such an endeavour or if they will ever be. The first attempts to climb Everest date back to the 1920s and were undertaken by British mountai ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-13

The geopolitics of nature

... an and Indonesian governments submitted a letter, signed by 14 World Trade Organization member states, lamenting that the EU was pursuing “unilateral legislation,” rather than “international engagemen ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-13

How AI can even the climate playing field

... ddressed. One example of this potential can be seen in the realm of trade agreements. The Legal Analytics Lab at Georgia State University is using AI to identify the specific legal clauses that have t ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-12


... rg)。 PLOS ONE引述華盛頓大學研究,腦電波的確可以影響他人行為。實驗中,一個受試者只要專注地想着移動 ...全文



... something one can no longer return from: return is a ti ...全文



《SummerFest中環夏誌》今周推出一連三日「One Citybus」家庭同樂日,增設不少攤位遊戲,與眾同 ...全文



... 呎價23819元。 One Innovale第二三期快交樓 至於恒地(00012)位處非跑道區的啟德THE H ...全文


兩招簡化投資 攀越憂慮之牆

... (Nvidia)進入One Trillion Club(1T Club)之後,他指出不能小看AI的潛力(當然他 ...全文


THE HENLEY下周發售共15伙

... 「北部都會區」粉嶺北ONE INNOVALE。 ...全文


Financial inclusion efforts in Mexico and the opportunity set

...  example, one of Latin America’s largest beverage and retail giants based in Mexico is leveraging access to customers of its ubiquitous convenience store chains with new digital debit cards that may h ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-09

The poverty of AI pessimism

Hardly a week goes by without various pioneers in artificial intelligence issuing dire warnings about the technology that they introduced to the world. I got an early glimpse of this emerging pessimis ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-09


... 新,在中環海濱舉行「One Citybus」大型免費巴士展覽,展出9輛歷年在港島行駛的巴士,呈現港島專營巴士的 ...全文


祖傳漬物 開胃鮮美

... 漬物入饌。位於石塘咀One-Eight-One酒店的The Praya廚房內,便有過百瓶私房醃漬珍寶,這全是總 ...全文


弦岸短期內開價 首批不少於50伙

... 弦岸售樓處設於黃竹坑One Island South,示範單位以18樓A室為藍本,實用面積317方呎,採1房間 ...全文


The IMF’s turn to lead on climate

... pical cyclones regularly cause damage and loss equivalent to around 100% of GDP, and global warming implies that the intensity and frequency of extreme weather is set to increase. And yet, with limite ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-08

Political homelessness

... d for someone who has been extensively lambasted for being an establishment shill and a PR machine. I reserve the right to differ from them, but that’s a complete aside. Or the Kosovan Serb who finds ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-08

Integrating data to enhance efficiency in construction industry

... tition is one of the effective methods. Following the "CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021" held two years ago, which aimed to promote the adoption of digitalisation to improve productivity, qu ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-08

Why do Hong Kong girls need more exercise?

Here is one reason why we call a lady a “miss”. According to the findings of the latest Physical Fitness Survey for the Community, 85 per cent of girls in Hong Kong thought they had enough exercise. B ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-07

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