
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

New World targets local consumers for kid-themed mall

... called D. Park to lure local consumers who account for more than 90 percent of total spending in the place, said executive vice chairman and joint general manager Adrian Cheng. The mall, whose renovat ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-18

罕見多倫多湖濱項目 本周末在港發售

... umber Bay Park湖濱公園前,永久沒有其他發展阻擋,將會是加拿大罕見最高之一的湖濱豪宅地標項目。鄰近 ...全文


Why the China smart city partnership plan leaves us cold

... g Science Park and Cyberport. In the past, authorities offered help but refrained from pushing the industry toward a particular path or goals. That is, however, changing now as the Leung administratio ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-14


... lot Theme Park自1983年開業,依照著名傳奇Camelot(亞瑟王傳說中的王國,為堅不可摧的城堡 ...全文


Bus catches fire on Tuen Mun highway

... g Science Park in Tai Po. According to Apple Daily, there were 39 passengers on board, all heading for work at the Science Park. As the bus was passing through Tsing Lung Tau on the southwest coast of ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-12

清雅高樓 極目紐約

... 紐約剛落成的432 Park Avenue就有96層高,是現時當地最高住宅大樓之一,若於單位居高臨下,紐約市景 ...全文


Could there be too much Star Wars?

... lk in the park and you're likely to come across children running around, Lightsabers in hand. Chances are you will see children using stationeries or school bags with Star War characters on them. Star ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-09


... Paronella Park,當中亦是一個尋找烏托邦的故事。 故事主人翁名叫Jose Paronella,來自 ...全文


Web TV host wounded in mysterious knife attack

A female web television host was injured in a mysterious attack Wednesday night at Tai Po Waterfront Park, Apple Daily reported Friday. The 28-year-old TV presenter, surnamed Law, suffered four knife ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-08


... 馬場集團Eliza Park,在當地進軍養馬業務,但似乎尚未帶來可觀回報。根據年報,該公司2015年度馬匹服務 ...全文



... teglitzer Park散步,有時黛拉會陪伴他。一天,他倆見到一名小女孩,滿臉哀傷,哭成淚人。 卡夫卡問她 ...全文


Greens torch wedding proposal over fireworks in bird sanctuary

... et Nature Park in Tai Po, Headline Daily reports. The package included 99 red roses, a video screening of him and his girlfriend and a banquet topped off by a spectacular fireworks display. Environmen ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07

HK tourists accused of illegal fishing in Thai protected waters

Photos of Hong Kong tourists showing off what they caught in Andaman Sea in Thailand triggered an uproar on social media after they were accused of illegal fishing in the Similan National Park, a top ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-06

AFCD alerted on illegal frog catchers at Tsuen Wan reservoir

... y country park visitor center, which is under the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD). An AFCD spokesman confirmed it had received the clip and said it had sent staff to the rese ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-06

Nike faces backlash from chaotic women's race

... n Science Park on Saturday with more than 5,400 starters, double last year's attendance. Hundreds of participants took to social media on Sunday to denounce race officials for sloppy organization. The ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-05

Suspicious activity at N Korea nuclear site, says US think-tank

... President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed to ramp up pressure on Pyongyang in response to its recent nuclear and missile tests. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-05

The Imperial受惠高鐵落成

... estbourne Park地鐵站,只需約5分鐘;從Royal Oak地鐵站前往鄰近的帕丁頓地鐵站(Paddi ...全文



... 遊客喜愛的Luna Park,還有北悉尼奧林匹克游泳池,環繞海灘的散步道更是假日一家或與親朋好友暢聚、舒緩壓力 ...全文


倫敦諾丁山 住進電影氛圍中
浪漫對熱情 繽紛撞素色

... 海德公園(Hyde Park)及肯辛頓花園(Kensington Gardens)亦只信步之遙。 諾丁山不乏名 ...全文


Startup firms get preference for food truck pilot scheme

... de, Ocean Park and Disneyland. Operators will have to pay a deposit and monthly venue management fees of up to HK$22,000. So said the fees are far lower than shop rentals as the venue owners will prov ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

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