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悉尼Lane Cove分層價看漲兩成
獲選十大升值力城區 入市門檻低

... Burns Bay Road東端靠近Longueville Road一段,在行人專區可找到超市、藥房、郵局、意 ...全文


住宅半數屬分層 空置率不足2%

... Burns Bay Road 300A號的樓房,最近有一個兩房分層單位放租,面積93方米(約1001方呎),享 ...全文



... 一截Edgware Road,就特別與眾不同,彷彿身處某個阿拉伯酋長國。街上一間接一間的清真食肆、士多、水煙店 ...全文



... 1 Borrett Road第1期及名日‧九肚山之推售亦進度良好,2021年度香港物業銷售收益較上年度增加。 ...全文


Modern underground network management using mixed reality

It is estimated that the total length of underground utility services network in Hong Kong is 100,000 km, which is at least 47 times the length of the roads. At the same time, the Director of Audit’s ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-14

Home Ownership Scheme 2022 portends the future of land sources

...  Anderson Road Quarry, are both located in the core urban districts of Kowloon, which can be considered as urban NDAs, utilising the vast piece of contiguous land spared by the demolishment of large-s ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-09

Digitising the information of underground drainage network

... ometer of road. As the density is so high, the traffic congestion caused by road excavation is becoming more and more serious. The Director of Audit’s report in 2018 pointed out that the poor coordina ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-07

倫敦Mile End新舊交融四通八達
半小時抵金融城 醫生律師租客多

... 以Mile End Road連接兩地,若由倫敦市內往東邊,Mile End是中途休息站之一。時至今日,Mile ...全文



... 、位於Thomas Road 42號的Explorers Wharf,樓高8層,共184個單位,1房至3房間隔 ...全文


21 BORRETT ROAD連兩車位賣1.68億

... 1 BORRETT ROAD第1期17樓3號室,實用面積2193方呎,4房間隔,在1月底以約1.68億元連兩個 ...全文


新加坡客1.67億購21 BORRETT ROAD一戶 付5034萬辣稅

... 1 BORRETT ROAD一分層戶。 據土地註冊處資料顯示,21 BORRETT ROAD第1期17樓3號單 ...全文


China will be big loser in Russian invasion of Ukraine

...  Belt and Road Trade and Investment Centre in Kyiv. COFCO invested US$50 million to triple the agricultural trans-shipment capacity of Mariupol port. Russian forces have shelled the city and its resid ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-28

中港移民佔37% 屋價平鄰區百萬澳元

... 大街Burwood Road,沿途街舖和食肆林立,還有1座5層高、樓面面積逾6萬方米(逾64.6萬方呎)的大型 ...全文


Paging Colonel Sam Daniels

...  down the road to fatality and severe damage to their health. We’re also witnessing the sprouting of outbreaks across care homes – the writing is on the wall: unless we act swiftly and promptly in iso ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-17

America’s not-so-great inflation

... s a rocky road ahead. Interest-rate hikes can roil financial markets and provoke capital outflows and debt difficulties in emerging economies. Such are the consequences of falling behind the curve. Bu ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-11

China’s big picture

... th access road in those days). I wondered why there were so many tall modern buildings intermittently sited along the roadside. Like many other analysts over the past 31 years, I suspected that a prop ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-10

Economic bridge building

... he better road not taken: “Imagine if bold support for community colleges and training would match the preparation and reconnection of the G.I. Bill as America was encouraging global integration. Imag ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-09

鄰近市中心 藝術氣息濃 通街有食神

... 比擬。昔日的Spa Road火車站變身為著名地標市集Spa Terminus,鐵路的拱門經保育成為食品店,供應 ...全文



... life, the road to virtue and that to fortune, to such f ...全文


21 BORRETT ROAD逾1.6億售一戶

長實(01113)旗下港島半山超級豪宅項目21 BORRETT ROAD第1期,今日以招標售出一伙,為17樓3 ...全文


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