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新世界全年少賺28% 核心盈利升21%

... ER King’s Road之營運效率提升及租用率改善。 6月底,集團香港未入賬之應佔物業合約銷售收入當中,4 ...全文



... 1 BORRETT ROAD四房戶招標 另外,長實(01113)港島半山超級豪宅項目21 BORRETT RO ...全文


How to make Hong Kong more walkable

... nalysis — Road to a Walkable District won the second runner-up and the Best StoryMap Design Award in this year's individual category. Ms Poon pointed out that the ageing of Hong Kong buildings and urb ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

Hong Kong to re-enter world market through the Middle East

...  Belt and Road Initiative, the Hong Kong government held the Belt and Road Summit on 13 September. At the occasion, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau signed a MoU with the Department of E ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25


... (khao san road)很多背包客下榻,這裏設有便宜的旅館,也有酒店及市集,市集一般開到接近凌晨。有次在 ...全文


鄰近兩大金融中心 跨國企業重錘投資

... 其中Jardine Road 3號Sirius Building 15室,今年6月成交價48萬英鎊(約469萬 ...全文


Can Hong Kong tap the opportunities in autonomous driving?

... s provide road geometry, route profile, and traffic signs which are essential for highly automated driving. According to an insider of the Baidu Map, L2 vehicles mainly requires maps for advanced driv ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

居民近萬 四分一是華裔

... 在McMillan Road,靠近消費點和火車站,開辦幼稚園至6年級課程。這所小學之所以甚受家長歡迎,最大原因 ...全文


與車士活一站之隔 靜中帶旺華人愛戴

... 坐落在Harden Road 9號的4房獨立屋以拍賣形式出售,大屋連前後園佔地720方米(約7750方呎),外 ...全文


分層主導 一房戶租金回報3.9厘

... 區內Francis Road 4號的一個高層1房單位最近放租,景觀開揚,步行一段短路程便抵達Artarmon ...全文


The importance of spatial intelligence and soft skills in AI era

... telligent Road Network, urban renewal and public housing estate planning, to the Common Operational Picture (COP) to connect multiple government departments for natural disasters relief operation. In ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-08

Why utility companies are a key source of transition alpha

... cation of road transport and buildings, has the potential to halve global greenhouse gas emissions. The sector’s Scope 1 emissions – or those that stem from their operations and the resource they own ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-08

Colour blind

I often travel past a small noodle shop on Bonham Road which found itself the centre of much unwanted attention recently. For many years, the shop has been a favourite haunt of construction workers on ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-07


... 沒選的路》(The Road Not Taken)。詩中主角在森林面對兩條路,思前想後,選了其中一條,另一條就 ...全文


Preventing a US-China War

... ack of a broad social safety net. With deflation setting in, China now must worry about Japanification: a long period of lost growth. Like so many emerging markets, it could ultimately end up in the “ ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-29

Phony ideology

... elt & Road initiative as a “debt and noose” recipe for the recipient countries. This is as rude as it is disparaging in disregard of international and even interpersonal protocol. But Biden will g ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-25


... 1 BORRETT ROAD 2期,共涉66伙;赤柱村道52至54號,則佔6伙。 6月有4個私人住宅項目動工, ...全文


No light in Hong Kong’s night economy

... ople used road transport to visit China every day last month, compared to an average of 100,000 coming to Hong Kong from China. A friend who ran a restaurant complained her family needed to wait an ho ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16

西倫敦Ealing 居民滿意度勝首都
交通便利得人心 「郊區女王」綠化高

... 地鐵Ealing Broadway站出發,乘搭Central Line往龐德街站(Bond Street St ...全文


LHN(01730) 須予披露的交易

LHN(01730) 香港上市規則項下的須予披露交易 - 收購RANGOON ROAD物業(529KB, pd ...全文


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