
共 1442 個結果
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社企民間峰會 推動創新精神

今天,亞洲國家繼續面對不同社會挑戰,如動盪的經濟發展、社會不平等、貧窮和環境惡化。面對種種挑戰,社會企業及社會 ...全文


Infrastructure spending helps China despite waste and graft

About half of China's infrastructure projects do not have economic value as the costs have been larger than the benefits, according to an article published in the Oxford Review of Economic Policy. The ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-15


無論金比達和賀托的看法是對或錯,他們的研究令西方不少學者關注到學科對學生性格的影響。波士頓大學教授謝茜嘉史頓( ...全文



2013年,新加坡的教育局(MOE)局長已為未來幾年教育政策定下基調,他要求「每間學校都是好學校」,要為所有學 ...全文


Is sitting cross-legged a bad thing?

Sitting around is unproductive but being relentlessly sedentary is bad for your health, countless research have shown. So, does crossing your legs while sitting add to the problems? Naresh C. Rao, a d ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-24

Tim Cook fights for US corporate tax reform

Wealth inequality has been widening since the world embraced globalization in the 80s. The situation became worse after the financial crisis in 2008 prompted worldwide monetary easing. In his book "Ca ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-22


上星期到訪新加坡,看看這個智慧國家(Smart Nation)的運作。新加坡比香港早3至5年發展智慧城市概念, ...全文


競技產品大熱 電腦節料旺場

「香港電腦通訊節2016」今日起至下周一(22日)在灣仔會展舉行。受電子競技產品大熱帶動,參展商踴躍,今年主辦 ...全文



我一向認為小孩無需有太多玩具,但最近發現,原來現今的玩具已大不同,好像對我等比八十後前很多代的人來說,電腦程式 ...全文



任職教師的朋友說,要帶幾個初中學生去上兩天機器人工作坊,然後參加有八十多間中學參與的機械人比賽。我對上兩天課就 ...全文


創科興邦 香港有明天(上)

科研一直是本校重點培育學生的方向,近年屢有佳績。適逢其會,今年學校的名人座談會很榮幸邀請了徐立之教授──香港科 ...全文


Why Softbank couldn't wait to land ARM

On Monday, when Masayoshi Son announced his Softbank Group is buying British chip designer ARM holdings, he told the media it was the brightest day in his life and he couldn’t help being excited about ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-20

Election declaraton: Why it's a pointless exercise

The nomination period for the September Legco election opened on Saturday. This time the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) has introduced an innovative measure: anyone who wants to stand for the elec ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-19


「智慧城市」議題在各界人士和機構推動下,很多有識之士都熱烈討論、出謀獻策,未來發展令人期待。不過也有人提出一個 ...全文


PLA Hong Kong chief's presence at police ceremony hit

The Hong Kong police force drew criticism after it invited the head of the People's Liberation Army in the city to inspect a passing-out parade of new recruits at the Hong Kong Police College over the ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-12

How EU can beat Europe's rabid nationalists

British voters’ choice to leave the European Union is unfortunate, but unsurprising. For decades, British politicians have avoided making the case for EU membership, or even explaining to the British ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-08

創投紅娘扯線 新人月入九萬

每個人在不同場合,都有不同身份,我是梁穎宇,啟明創投主管合夥人、人稱「牛仔褲大王」的前立法會議員梁劉柔芬女兒; ...全文


African woman complains of mistreatment at Lo Wu prison

An African woman who has been jailed in Hong Kong for drug trafficking has accused prison authorities of mistreating her. Marlese Mbachu, who is in her 40s, has complained that officers at the Lo Wu C ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-21


最近教育局局長吳克儉在立法會出席教育事務委員會(下稱「委員會」)會議,向「委員會」簡介「一帶一路」獎學金(下稱 ...全文


As much as US$1.9 trln has fled China over the last two years

The Chinese authorities have released various measures to stem capital outflows. However, capital continues to flee the country through different channels. The US Federal Reserve started tapering its ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-16

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