
共 1445 個結果
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African woman complains of mistreatment at Lo Wu prison

An African woman who has been jailed in Hong Kong for drug trafficking has accused prison authorities of mistreating her. Marlese Mbachu, who is in her 40s, has complained that officers at the Lo Wu C ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-21


最近教育局局長吳克儉在立法會出席教育事務委員會(下稱「委員會」)會議,向「委員會」簡介「一帶一路」獎學金(下稱 ...全文


As much as US$1.9 trln has fled China over the last two years

The Chinese authorities have released various measures to stem capital outflows. However, capital continues to flee the country through different channels. The US Federal Reserve started tapering its ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-16


和公關朋友吃飯,很多時對方希望就某些新鮮熱辣社會議題,了解一下前線新聞人怎樣看,以及新聞界對某些機構的觀感好與 ...全文


Why innovations are not driving productivity growth

Since the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, productivity growth in three advanced economies -- the United States, Europe, and Japan -- has been very slow both in absolute terms and relative to ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-06

Let our young people see hope

The recent surge in the number of student suicides since the beginning of the current academic year has become a cause for grave public concern about the study-related stress and other mental health i ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-01

Hong Kong must do more to curb dubious financial intermediaries

Fraud and other financial crimes involving financial intermediaries have been on the rise in the past few years. To make things worse, I found recently that some intermediaries were posing as certifie ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-26

Thieves moved US$9 mln to 23 HK firms in Ecuador cyber heist

Cyber thieves who stole US$12 million from an Ecuadorian bank in 2015 routed the funds through 23 companies registered in Hong Kong, some of them with no clear business activity, Reuters reports, citi ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-26

Tsai rejects 'one China' without saying it aloud

Tsai Ing-wen's (蔡英文) soft-toned inauguration speech in Taiwan broached the subject of cross-strait relations in a somewhat peripheral manner. Going through the text of the 6,000-character speech relea ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-24

China bans listed companies from speculating in emerging sectors

Mainland authorities have issued new measures for the stock market after halting the homecoming of US-listed Chinese stocks. The China Securities Regulatory Commission has reportedly prevented listed ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-13


統籌:陳志輝(中大EMBA課程主任) 主持:陳志輝、鄭耀昌、李嘉興、羅曼穎 整理:謝冠東 嘉賓:王 巍(科通芯 ...全文


CSRC needs to improve internal control

The Shanghai Composite Index tumbled 2.8 percent on Monday, and lost nearly 6 percent in the last two trading sessions. Shell stocks or potential shell plays suffered the most after the top securities ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-10


在今年的3月11日,香港中文大學人文價值研究中心邀請了譽滿國際的哈佛大學教授邁可・.桑德爾為中心的傑出講座主講 ...全文



近年本港出生人口趨升,加上不斷湧現的跨境學童,令鄰近邊境的地區學額供應緊張。不久前,幼稚園學位緊張,弄至滿城風 ...全文


完善STEM 教育才能緊貼國際

「STEM教育」獲香港教育局撥款給全港各小學推行,成為時下熱門話題。STEM其實早已在美國及其他發展國家實施。 ...全文



近日,負責科學教育的朋友常收到小學校長和老師的查詢,都是請教如何運用教育局為推廣STEM【註】教育而發放的10 ...全文


Here's why the Shenzhen growth story has a weak underbelly

Chief executive Leung Chun-ying was recently asked by Guangdong-based Southern Metropolis Daily what he thought of reports that mainland cities such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen will soon overtake Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-25


近年科技初創企業盛行,當中成功例子不少,其創意往往令人驚艷。我早前為一間本地編程教學機構舉辦的AppJammi ...全文



進入互聯網經濟,拚的是規模效益和人口紅利,所以歐洲諸國,潰不成軍;中國的人海戰術就可以擊敗對手。中國進入服務業 ...全文



4月可算是香港科技界的盛事月,出席業界活動和頒獎典禮時,筆者接觸到很多做出成績的初創企業,都把下一步的目光放向 ...全文


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