
共 2410 個結果
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Balancing personal privacy with convenience

In July, the government sent SMS messages to 240,000 people who had submitted valid claim requests for early withdrawal of their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) or benefits under occupational retiremen ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-05

Sustainable development is a matter of market design

Southeast Asia’s Malay Archipelago is very far away from Ukraine, and the indigenous people of Borneo – living in some of the most pristine jungles left in the world – do not leave much of a carbon fo ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-02


2022年是加密貨幣市場經歷風風雨雨的一年,經歷過這年的朋友,還有什麼大風大浪是未見過的呢?本年5月份的Ter ...全文

今日信報時事評論曾華興 黃智昌 莊太量2022年09月01日

嗇色園主辦可信學校 突破限制推動學生體育發展

香港大部分小學受場地、資源等限制,學生接觸到的體育項目有限,像劍擊這種裝備較多的運動,更是少之又少。 嗇色園主 ...全文


A long road to get back to work

Alas, it is easy for students to get back to school, but not easy for the young and smart guns to get back to work. Spare a thought for the human resource people at Apple, the world’s most admirable c ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-24

Advanced technologies can enhance hiking safety

As of mid-July this year, the Fire Department has recorded 12 fatalities in hiking accidents, close to the total of last year. With the stabilised epidemic trend, the relaxation of social distancing ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-15

【異動股】金朝陽急升15% 售希雲大廈單位獲利近6億

金朝陽(00878)以代價32.09億元出售希雲大廈個別單位,獲利近6億元,股價今早曾升15.4%,高見7.2 ...全文


開市焦點:黑期續於二萬關上 留意中移動 中芯

隔晚美股三大指數中個別發展,道指連升第二日; 納指及標普500指數先升後跌並低收。昨日恒指急升471點返二萬關 ...全文


物聯網置掃描器 實時監控定位

本地醫院時有發生病人走失事件,上周有女病人擅自離開屯門醫院急症室,幸而最後被尋回。本地初創Smart Sens ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年08月12日


金朝陽集團(00878)公布,以代價32.09億元出售持有Linking Smart Limited的股權及股 ...全文



金朝陽集團(00878)公布,以代價32.09億元,出售持有Linking Smart Limited的股權及 ...全文


Value has returned to high yield bond

Volatility has propelled high yield bond spreads to their highest levels since November 2020, but we believe the asset class’s fundamentals remain solid, however, and that current valuations do not re ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-09

Withered tree reborn: Mourning Mr Hak Chan’s passing

The former Deputy Director of Lands Department, Mr. Hak Chan, passed away on 18 July. During his career, he had committed to promoting digitisation of geospatial data in Hong Kong, which laid a solid ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-08


炎炎夏日,運動定必成為你的難熬事情,如何熬過酷熱難耐的夏季,亦成了每位做運動人士面臨的難題。不少人擔心在這炎熱 ...全文


Four recommendations for I&T development in Hong Kong

As the Central Government has clearly shown its support to Hong Kong to develop as an international innovation and technology (I&T) centre, we should seize this golden opportunity. I would like to ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-03


高鼎國外公是已故「鐘錶大王」李惠利、父親則為華明行董事長高叔平,耳濡目染下,Geoffery自小就對鐘錶充滿興 ...全文


Cutting data’s carbon footprint for a more sustainable Hong Kong

The creation, processing, and management of data have forever changed the world. Consider the fact that the amount of data generated each year worldwide is expected to grow to 175 zettabytes (ZB) by 2 ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-25

Two research projects on smart mobility

The annual Esri Young Scholars Award is for local tertiary students to research on topics of their choice using the geographic information system (GIS). This year, in addition to the individual catego ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-25


嘉華國際集團有限公司──顯卓貼心實用地產發展大獎   香港寸金尺土,如何在有限空間為住戶營造優質生活,成為發展 ...全文


Yes, crypto still matters

Without Uber, would many taxi services have developed their own ride-hailing apps or started accepting credit cards when they did? In static industries with little competition, it takes new competitor ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-08

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