
共 2411 個結果
頁數:1...8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ...121

Yes, crypto still matters

Without Uber, would many taxi services have developed their own ride-hailing apps or started accepting credit cards when they did? In static industries with little competition, it takes new competitor ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-08

Why target Russian oil revenue?

Four months into the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army continues to grind its way relentlessly through the Donbas region. Some Western commentators are calling for more weapons to be supplied fast ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-06

Building smart villages to achieve sustainable prosperity

The world is facing a triple crisis of food, energy, and water scarcity. While its immediate triggers were the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war, its roots run much deeper: a culture of relentless ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-29

西門子斥資123億 購美軟件商Brightly

德國工業巨擘西門子(Siemens)同意動用15.8億美元(123.24億港元)資金,從私募基金Clearla ...全文


活到老 Fit到老

上期跟大家探討過後疫情的運動鍛煉,還記得當中的4大原則嗎?即使按着定時鍛煉、訂立可實行的短期目標、樂觀面對,以 ...全文


放眼更廣闊領域 庫存託管資金一併納入

大數據、區塊鏈及NFT(非同質化代幣)等網絡世代的熱搜關鍵字,顛覆傳統思維及固有生活模式,但對一般人而言,感覺 ...全文



上周本欄提到有關Web3.0的企業開始變得愈來愈多元化,也愈來愈親民,從用戶的衣食住行入手,結合現實世界及虛擬 ...全文


Eight lessons from the Ukraine war

When Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his invasion of Ukraine on February 24, he envisaged a quick seizure of Kyiv and a change of government analogous to Soviet interventions in Budapest in 1 ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-17

HK transition: From smart-city planning to future-city planning

In view of the recent radical shift in the geopolitical landscape around the world, a sense of crisis must be felt that what we took for granted might come to a halt, be that caused by an outbreak of ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-13

Building smarter healthcare in HK with intelligent automation

That Hong Kong's healthcare system had been under enormous strain is no secret. By the end of March, the territory's COVID-19 numbers had peaked at more than 55,000 infections. Set against the city's ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-09

移英者「精過龍」 必會回流

《港區國安法》2020年中生效後,香港再次掀起移民潮。全國政協副主席梁振英認為,移民者終會在外地受排斥,直言「 ...全文


桑德伯格售Meta股票 十年累套132億

CNBC引述研究公司資料報道,周三(1日)宣布今年秋季離任營運總監一職的Meta第二把交椅桑德伯格(Shery ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年06月04日

系出同門 各有千秋

NBA總決賽周四點起狼煙,勇士冠軍班底合作無間,打法以攻為守,「三分雨」無堅不摧;塞爾特人相隔12年後再爭總冠 ...全文



高銀金融(00530)公布,法院拒絕公司申請擱置委任共同臨時清盤人的命令,並下令自5月13日起委任公司的共同臨 ...全文


Key priorities for virtual bank

The virtual banking race has been heating up in Asia in recent years. While virtual bank operations in Hong Kong commenced only two years ago, this year the Bank of Thailand plans to implement regulat ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-27

海茵莊園短期加推312戶 本月再推售

九龍建業(00034)旗下將軍澳海茵莊園短期內公布全新價單,涉及312伙,本月內進行新一輪推售。 九龍建業(市 ...全文


Addressing Europe’s corporate technology gap

Europe seems to change most decisively as a result of crises. The European Union was created in the aftermath of World War II. The 2008 global financial crisis and the eurozone crisis that followed le ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-06

Soft power after Ukraine

As Russian missiles pound Ukrainian cities, and as Ukrainians fight to defend their country, some avowed realists might say, “So much for soft power.” But such a response betrays a shallow analysis. P ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-05

嚴師出高徒 棒下出孝子

由香港和富扶輪社與和富社會企業主辦、第22屆未來創業家(Millennium Entrepreneurship ...全文



本港疫後開始復常,部分企業採用混合辦公,僱傭雙方心態亦迎來改變。Zoom亞太區負責人Ricky Kapur稱, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年04月27日

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