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地點租約靈活 便利疫下遙距工作

新冠疫情改變全球工作模式,共享辦公室龍頭WeWork變陣應對。WeWork香港及台灣區總經理葉秀蘭表示,今年4 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞Smart 工商2020年12月28日

Looking forward to HK's next level of smart city development

The long-awaited Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong 2.0 ("Blueprint 2.0") was launched on 10 December 2020. There are 130 projects this time, including 70 projects first mentioned in the blueprint in ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-21

Is investment in Zhuhai airport a smart idea?

The Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA ) will acquire an equity stake in Zhuhai airport, the Chief Executive said in her policy address. Is this a good idea? Last year Zhuhai airport handled 12.3 m ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-21


12月20日,周日。本文見報日,美國電動車龍頭特斯拉(Tesla)正式晉身標普500指數,華麗登場前股價劇烈波 ...全文


The future of retail relies on smart logistics

The pandemic has triggered a seismic shift to online shopping in Hong Kong. A recent study revealed that 42% of Hongkongers are shopping online more often during the pandemic, compared to 33% globally ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-15


卓佳集團宣布,為其e-IPO白表的手機應用程式(App),新增IPO智付易功能,以滙豐的實時直接扣賬方案作支援 ...全文


A post-war playbook for a post-COVID recovery

The world is not yet sufficiently alarmed by how much the COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the global economy. We track the daily numbers of infections and casualties. But we are oblivious to the job los ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-10

New economy widens gender pay gap in China

This year, the Mainland government proposed constructing a large-scale New Infrastructure Plan to revive the economy. However, it seems that most women would not benefit from the scheme. The New Infra ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-09


本港9月汽車及汽車零件銷售按年上升17%,跑贏其他零售類別。英之傑大中華地區及新加坡市場推廣部總監劉啟予接受本 ...全文


Public-private partnership facilitates smart city development

Smart City Consortium (SCC), which I founded and serve as the Honorary President, has recently published a survey report the Future Hong Kong 2030 to discuss how to promote the development of smart ci ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-27

The implications of 5G for the technology landscape in Hong Kong

2020 is a year of changes, especially from a technology perspective. The lockdowns around the world have created the world’s largest remote work experiment. According to a recent research by recruitme ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-26

Why commercial real estate sector needs proptech solutions now

When it comes to tech adoption, the commercial real estate (CRE) industry has typically lagged behind other sectors. However, over the past few years the industry has begun to take property technology ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-25


日本手錶品牌Citizen早前推出旗下第一隻智能手錶CZ Smart,採用Google Wear OS為作業系 ...全文


診所遙距排隊App 開業兩年回本
Doctor Q免久候 憑口碑獲醫生參與

常言搞初創「九死一生」,這是所有創業者都要面對的殘酷現實。不過,有本地初創憑一款診所遙距排隊系統,推出兩年內回 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年11月20日


世間最有用又最無用,大概是智能電話的保護套和玻璃貼吧。 說它有用,商店不附送或兼賣這類東西,別指望做得成生意。 ...全文



熱量很容易通過玻璃傳導,對建築物供暖及製冷的成本,以至窗戶設計構成影響。新加坡南洋理工大學研發了一款聰明玻璃窗 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年11月11日

兩個創新藥上市在即 榮昌生物有望再創生物科技股輝煌

自從2018年香港聯交所允許符合條件的生物醫藥類公司上市,不少該類公司赴港上市,但各公司上市後股價表現差異較 ...全文


A HK-bred internationally renowned geographer

Although I loved maps since I was a child, I had never thought about working in this field until I was introduced to the geographic information world by the internationally renowned geographer, Profes ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-04


《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,美國最大零售商沃爾瑪與最大有線電視商Comcast合作,發展及分銷智能電視(Sm ...全文


引入5G推動遙距醫療 建設九龍東智慧醫院

九龍東醫院聯網致力打造智慧醫院,除了在疫情期間成為首個推行遙距診症的聯網,聯網的將軍澳醫院最近更成為全港首間支 ...全文


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