
共 2410 個結果
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Technology can help in dealing with mental health issues

Depression is widespread in Hong Kong, especially in these days of unrest. A recent study by a research team from the University of Hong Kong faculty of medicine has described the mental health proble ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

China could kick off deep-sea mining before others: UN body

China is likely to become the first country in the world to start mining seabed minerals if the international rules for exploitation are approved next year, according to the International Seabed Autho ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-24

Walking 4,400 steps a day keeps the doctor away

Following the unprecedented social disturbances in Hong Kong, many citizens have become restless, making them vulnerable to health problems. To ensure their personal well-being, people need to be on t ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-22

US startup aims to eliminate smartphone buttons

Sentons, a startup led by chip industry veterans, has begun marketing technology that aims to do away with gadget buttons and said it is working with two smartphone makers in addition to an existing c ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18


「教練,我想減肥,乜嘢運動方式係最慳時間或者係『性價比』最高呢?」減肥應該流汗,卓耀不相信世上有「hea住瘦」 ...全文


Govt expands tech programs to lure talent, boost infrastructure

The administration has pledged to strengthen and step up the implementation of various initiatives in the field of technology and innovation. In her policy address on Wednesday, Chief Executive Carrie ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-17


晶片商英特爾(Intel)斥資2700萬美元(約2.1億港元),收購加拿大上市軟件商Pivot Technol ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年10月17日

Google unveils Pixel 4 phones with radar, more affordable laptop

Alphabet Inc.’s Google has unveiled new Pixel smartphones with higher quality cameras, a radar sensor to track hand gestures and faster virtual assistant, but the devices have no surprise features to ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-16

英特爾斥2.1億購軟件技術 助拓5G

美國晶片廠商英特爾(Intel)宣布,收購加拿大上市軟件商Pivot Technology Solutions ...全文


萬通年底推網上平台 銷售定期壽險及醫保

萬通保險(YF Life)資訊系統部高級副總裁鄭達釗表示,料於年底推出網上投保平台,初期會把定期壽險和醫保產品 ...全文



由香港貿易發展局主辦的第39屆香港秋季電子產品展(秋電展),以及與慕尼黑國際博覽亞洲有限公司合辦的第23屆國際 ...全文



對好多上一代的人而言,需要認真置裝的場合都是以喝喜酒為主,通常我接到母親大人的聖旨要陪她血拚,有百分之九十是因 ...全文


【EJFQ信析】美股等消息待變 醒目錢密吸看升

中美第十三輪高級別經貿磋商於華盛頓舉行,市場消息紛紜,究竟兩國會否達成所謂的「局部協議」,將很快揭曉。 美股受 ...全文


美股等消息待變 醒目錢密吸看升

中美第十三輪高級別經貿磋商於華盛頓舉行,市場消息紛紜,究竟兩國會否達成所謂的「局部協議」,將很快揭曉。 美股受 ...全文


大雞吃細米 試操周期權

在港交所(00388)首次(8月20日)推廣周期權(Weekly Option)的講座上,筆者建議用對沖策略操 ...全文


Fitbit to shift production out of China from January

Fitbit said on Wednesday that it will manufacture all its trackers and smart watches outside China from January, in an apparent move to insulate itself from tariffs, Reuters reports.  The wearable dev ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-10

EU warns of 5G cybersecurity risks

The European Union warned of the risk of increased cyber attacks by state-backed entities but refrained from singling out China and its telecoms equipment market leader Huawei Technologies as threats, ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-10

Can Kowloon East be the next central business district?

As Hong Kong seeks to strengthen its position as a global financial and business hub under a 2030+ development strategy, the government has proposed to transform Kowloon East into a second central bus ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-08

上載CCTV影片製熱圖 月費約2000元

本港經濟前景轉差,8月零售業銷貨價值較去年同期勁瀉23%,跌幅是有紀錄以來最慘烈,在此時勢之下,商戶如何突圍而 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月04日


本周專欄環繞CFA(特許金融分析師)Ronald N. Kahn博士的著作《投資管理的未來》,該書由CFA I ...全文


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