
共 2410 個結果
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China cracks down on high-interest rate deposit schemes: report

China’s financial regulators have told some domestic banks to stop marketing so-called smart deposits, which look like high-interest term deposits but are in fact investment products, Reuters reports, ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

Will Xiaomi benefit from Huawei's woes?

With Huawei facing mounting troubles amid a US trade blacklist, rival Chinese smartphone makers have a chance to narrow the gap in market shares in the industry with their bigger rival. Among the firm ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

Tencent's Pony Ma on Huawei crisis: Beware of a looming tech war

In line with a trade blacklist order from the Trump administration, Google has announced that it is pulling Huawei's license to use the Android operating system while US chipmakers such as Qualcomm ar ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-22

數碼港5期擴建 添11層高大樓

政府於2019/20年度《財政預算案》已預留55億元擴建數碼港,據數碼港向南區區議會提交文件顯示,建議在現海旁 ...全文


HKSTP launches smart living initiative 'InnoCell' for IT talent

The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) on Monday began construction on InnoCell, a smart living facility aimed at nurturing a co-creation community of internet and technology t ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-21

Smart city services that Hong Kong can export

The Trade Development Council just released a study on business opportunities in Saudi Arabia, pointing out that the country's smart city program “offers huge untapped potential for Hong Kong companie ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-21

Smart Octopus幕後功臣 便利結合優惠搶市場

近年電子支付成為日常生活主流,電子錢包花多眼亂,三星香港留意到消費電子化的趨勢,兩三年前已推出Samsung ...全文


三星香港一姐 贏在放眼世界
趙依音打拚日美港 融滙文化職場起飛

近年不時聽到香港人談及「捍衞本土文化」,亦有意見認為在香港這個國際大都會海納百川才是王道,尤其一些創意行業,更 ...全文



如果你有兩個上司的話,即有dual reporting line,那恭喜你,因為你是最大的得益者。 我從來不小 ...全文


Data visualization only first step toward building a smart city

I'm currently working on a training program for the Beijing municipal government on ways to build a data-driven smart city and design a framework for precise decision-making. Many people mix up a deci ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-16

What lies ahead for Apple's App Store amid antitrust case?

As it seeks to transform itself into a services-oriented entity amid slowing hardware sales, Apple has suffered a potential setback in relation to an important revenue driver: the App Store. On Monda ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-15

恒指ESG指數新地最重磅 恒指公司研加推

恒指公司新推出兩項ESG(環境、社會及企業管治)指數,分別以恒指及國指成分股為基礎,重新計算各公司的ESG得分 ...全文


How Taiwan exports its smart city services

Smart city developments offer huge business opportunities. By 2022, according to research institute IDC, the Asia-Pacific region will be the main driving area in the development of smart cities, with ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-14

US Supreme Court gives green light to Apple antitrust lawsuit

A divided US Supreme Court gave the go-ahead to an antitrust lawsuit accusing Apple Inc. of forcing consumers to overpay for iPhone software applications, a decision that could lead to billions of dol ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-14


近日筆者在投資者講座被問到,如何在港股市場追落後,並談及利用聰明啤打ETF(Smart Beta ETF)作投 ...全文



近日筆者在投資者講座被問到,如何在港股市場追落後,並談及利用聰明啤打ETF(Smart Beta ETF)作投 ...全文



內地企業收購海外業務動作不斷,外電報道,北京汽車(01958)母企北汽集團計劃收購德國奔馳母公司戴姆勒(Dai ...全文


HKMA grants four more virtual banking licenses

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) granted banking licenses to four more virtual banks that will only offer services online, bringing the total to eight so far and the number of licensed banks in ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-10

國指插穿250天線 港交所大瀉5%

周三美股波動,其中道指先漲後急回,而納指及標指則先揚後挫。 道指本周二勁插473點(1.79%),周三早段反彈 ...全文



ETF行業消息 日本交易所及上海證券交易所建立ETF互通 2019年4月22日,日本交易所(JPX)和上海證券 ...全文


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