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周五早上王總走過來,拍拍我膊頭,和我說:「下星期拜託你了,我什麼都不懂,什麼也沒見過。」Leo見到王總過來,立 ...全文


內地降稅 平治寶馬即減價

因應中國將下調製造業增值稅率,多個車廠宣布中國地區車款減價。當中德國兩大汽車製造商平治(Mercedes-Be ...全文


內地降增值稅 平治寶馬在華汽車齊減價

德國兩大汽車製造商平治(Mercedes-Benz)及寶馬(BMW),因應中國將下調製造業增值稅率,先後宣布調 ...全文


Why women can be smarter investors

By 2020, women will be well on the way to holding a combined £54 trillion (US$71.5 trillion) in private wealth, according to Boston Consulting Group. They already hold a third of the world’s total dis ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-15

Bay Area test zone makes for good big data sandbox

Big data development in major cities typically involves the following elements: building and improving internet infrastructure facilities; developing high-speed internet network; introducing e-governm ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-15


綠色和平數據顯示,香港人每年棄置 11 萬噸紡織物,相等於每分鐘拋棄約1400件T恤,數量驚人。 坊間有不少環 ...全文



隨着消費者期望和商業環境變化的腳步不斷加快,企業很快就會在競爭激烈的市場中分出勝負。 為幫助企業在紛繁複雜的數 ...全文

今日信報理財投資專家隨筆Edward Yeung2019年03月15日

Google takes a relook at its hardware business

Despite being a relatively insignificant player in the hardware arena, Internet giant Google has never hidden its ambition to carve out a place for itself in the fiercely competitive segment. In the p ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-14

Customer experience in the digital age

As the digital transformation hype reaches fever pitch, enterprises across the globe are busy introducing innovative artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and predictive analytics ena ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-14

Why Alibaba is going big on logistics

Alibaba's move to acquire 14.65 percent stake in STO Express (002468.CN) represents the Chinese e-commerce giant's latest effort to strengthen its control over the nation's courier service sector. The ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-14

Innovation and tech devt: Optimizing the budget outlay

In his recent budget, Financial Secretary Paul Chan outlined the government's aim to continue investing in innovation and technology-related infrastructure, smart city projects and talent retention ef ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-13

Octopus needs to review its overall strategy

Hongkongers now have various ways to pay for goods and services – cash, credit card or Octopus card. But when they shop online at Alibaba’s Taobao or Tmall, they prefer to use the Alipay mobile wallet ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-12

Building a big data alliance in Greater Bay Area

The Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has proposed the establishment of a global data hub in the Great Bay Area. The facility is seen essential for the region ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-07

Amazon to close all US pop-up stores

Amazon said on Wednesday that will close all of its US pop-up stores and focus instead on opening more book stores, Reuters reports. "After much review, we came to the decision to discontinue our pop- ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-07

Using tech for better airport design

When looking at airport development, observers tend to focus on the hardware side of things, such as number of flights, speed of baggage arrival, passengers and runways. But the soft side of an airpor ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-06

How we should learn to work with robots

Re-training and learning new skills are important in adapting to the age of automation, but Hongkongers should also learn to work alongside robots We’ve known for some time that automation increases e ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-06

China Mobile leadership change: What does it portend?

As China Mobile gears up for launch of 5G services, Beijing has appointed a new leader for the nation's biggest mobile operator, fueling fresh speculation in the market about the government's plans fo ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-06

【異動股】恒大健康插近7% 料去年轉蝕

恒大健康(00708)曾挫6.7%,見10.9元逾兩個月低,現挫3.3%,成交額2590萬元。 集團發盈警,預 ...全文



恒大健康(00708)公布,預期截至去年12月底止年度,將錄得淨虧損約14億元(人民幣.下同),2017年同期 ...全文



恒大健康(00708)公布,預期截至去年12月底止年度,將錄得淨虧損約14億元(人民幣‧下同),2017年同期 ...全文


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