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外國網站My Smart Price報道,三星新手機Galaxy S23已向美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)遞交認 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年11月30日


筆者近日參加「Vietnam-HK New Vision New Opportunities-Smart Ci ...全文


獨立屋買少見少 樓價3年爆升45%

悉尼卡靈福特屬中低密度住宅區,58%住宅是獨立屋,13%屬相連屋,至於分層則佔29%。不過,與20年前的數字相 ...全文


首富老闆入主 Twitter大換血

“We will need to be extremely hardcore. This will mean ...全文



新冠疫情不知不覺持續了接近3年,近期防疫政策終於放寬,市民的生活模式亦有回復正常的趨勢。對打工仔來說,最大的福 ...全文


Nurturing Hong Kong's organisational culture in data governance

According to the Global Data Barometer released in May this year, Hong Kong's score for "governance" was particularly poor, in the sub-item "data management frameworks", the city was even zero-rated! ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-14

Smart Charge冀佔私人充電市場逾30%
電動車登記續增 服務查詢多四成

香港電訊(06823)與中電(00002)於2016年成立一站式電動車充電服務合資公司Smart Charge ...全文


Technology bridges the manufacturing labour gap in 3 ways

Since the 1980s, Hong Kong's manufacturing industry has had to move to neighbouring regions with lower operation costs, especially the Greater Bay Area. Statistics from a report by the Chinese Manufac ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-11

University Hill料下周上樓書

新地(00016)旗下大埔市地段第244號發展項目第2A期University Hill,預計下周上載樓書。新 ...全文


加國徵股份回購稅 能源業憂不公平競爭

加拿大能源業界稱,該國政府準備向回購股份公司的特別徵稅,可能令到該國企業處於不公平競爭情況。 上周四,加國公布 ...全文



在2021年至今,在區塊鏈及虛擬貨幣行業,可謂是冰火兩重天,不少曾經是炒得火熱的虛幣、NFT、虛擬土地等,至今 ...全文


Government’s KPI should be both quantitative and qualitative

I have a few thoughts on this year's policy address: 1. Open data should be both quantitative and qualitative: The latest policy address lists 110 quantitative key performance indicators to facilitate ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-04

The regulator US financial markets need

When Gary Gensler became chair of the US Securities and Exchange Commission in April 2021, he started to tighten regulation on some parts of the financial sector. Eighteen months later, the industry’s ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-02

Clear, flexible regulation needed for virtual asset development

In the coming Hong Kong FinTech Week, the highlight is the government's stance and policy statement for the development of virtual assets in Hong Kong which is expected to clear the regulatory uncerta ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-31

整合家居服務 上客ARPU俱增

近半年本港疫情緩和,HKT Home董事總經理蔡煒健直言,對集團整體收入有幫助,新客上台、舊客續約,以及每月每 ...全文


Vienna waits for you

My second favourite Billy Joel offering – save from the (in)famous ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ – is ‘Vienna’. The lyrics begin as such: Slow down you crazy childYou're so ambitious for a juvenile For a ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-28

Cross-border data flow to empower Hong Kong digital drivetrain

Since his appointment as Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Mr. John Lee has emphasized the importance of transforming Hong Kong into a smart city that improves life for Hong Kong citizens. The latest poli ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-25

百勝完成出售俄羅斯KFC 撤出當地市場

擁有肯德基(KFC)的百勝集團(Yum Brands),完成出售俄羅斯KFC業務予當地專利營運商的行動,得以撤 ...全文


Advanced technology perfects smart city design

In his speech titled "Smart Technology and Smart City" in the 2022 Science and Technology Lecture Hall, the Chinese Academy of Sciences academician Prof. Anthony G.O. Yeh introduced smart city and fut ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-24


行政長官李家超上周發表任內首份《施政報告》,大談如何「搶人才」,明言要壯大創科人才庫。無獨有偶,本港初創Sma ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年10月24日

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