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筆者在前幾篇文章中介紹了不同的抑鬱情緒管理方法,如身心靈管理、氣功、中醫、壓力管理與抗逆力訓練(Stress ...全文


PwC identifies three ideal sites for smart city pilot projects

PricewaterhouseCoopers has identified three areas – Tung Chung, Kwu Tung North and Yuen Long South – as ideal sites for implementing pilot projects to pursue a government plan to develop Hong Kong int ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-07

Airbus in US$1 bln dilemma as Qatar cancels four jets

Qatar Airways has axed orders for four A350s because of delivery delays, handing the European planemaker a new headache over what to do with jets worth US$1.2 billion, Reuters reports. The cancellatio ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-07

未來Smart香港 燈柱都聰明啲

本港目標是發展成為智慧城巿,港府委託顧問公司進行相關研究,最近完成並提交一份全面發展藍圖建議報告,涵蓋交通、環 ...全文


Alibaba launches 'Tmall Genie' voice assistant

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group launched on Wednesday a cut-price voice assistant speaker, marking its first foray into artificially intelligent home devices. The "Tmall Genie", named after the ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-06

Will play time limit on young gamers hurt Tencent?

Chinese internet giant Tencent announced earlier this week that it will limit the hours children can play one of its most popular games -- King of Glory. Players aged under 12 will be allowed to log i ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-05

Pressure piles on LeEco as bank seeks to have assets frozen

Chinese tech group LeEco, which has interests ranging from smart cars to online content, is facing growing pressure from its creditors and business partners, with one bank wanting some of its assets f ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-04

一國兩制締空間 西方輸出巧實力

因回歸20載的關係及國家主席習近平來港,國際媒體掀起近年重燃的「香港風」,紛紛相約不同人士訪問,了解他們對於香 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野高樂圖2017年07月01日


6月28日,周三。早兩日說過,投資講求理性與耐性,無奈市場往往非理性,而大部分投資者最缺乏的就是耐性。基金經理 ...全文


What will the humble home kitchen look like in 10 years?

It comes as no surprise to anyone that technology in the future will reshape and change the world in new and exciting ways. But taking a step back, let's look at how new technology may impact our most ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-27

Fish in season: It's time to enjoy shad

When it comes to eating fish in season, there is a Cantonese proverb that says "spring for bream, autumn for carp, summer for shad". Now as it is already early summer, eating shad is a smart choice. S ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-23

Using data to anticipate city problems

Earlier this year, Smart City Consortium (SCC) organized an Internet Economy Summit where Lilian Coral, Chief Data Officer of Los Angeles GeoHub, spoke about gathering and utilizing open data, sharing ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-23

高雅折讓配股 不跌反升有因

凡事沒有絕對,以為上市公司以大折讓配發新股,例必推冧股價?高雅光學(00907)以實例告訴大家,大折讓配股後股 ...全文



4月初我出席社福界舉辦的一場論壇,討論如何更有效監察政府,我提出五大方向的工作框架,並成立智慧管治實驗室(Sm ...全文


AI and IoT to boost chips demand

While stories like JD's record sales in its June 18 shopping festival always grab the headlines, apart from the online shopping boom, rosy prospects in hardware such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) an ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-21

Electricity pricing: Smart meters, dumb arguments

When restaurants charge you more at dinner than at lunch, is that a form of "price discrimination"? Not necessarily. If the restaurant serves a full house every night, but sees only a few tables fille ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-21

Does Beijing want to 'counter-brainwash' our schoolchildren?

In the run-up to the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to Chinese sovereignty, several senior officials and prominent personalities from the mainland have spoken glowingly of Beijing's efforts to ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-20

時尚鐘錶家:選Fashion Watch側重設計

時裝界有Fast Fashion,鐘錶界也有Fashion Watch,以當季潮流元素為設計重點,無懼嘗試大膽 ...全文



立法會交通事務委員會周五(16日)討論政府提出的《公共交通策略研究》,包括擴展新界重型鐵路(重鐵),及改善巴士 ...全文


What’s the point of elections?

Dramatic election upsets have been occurring all over the place, most recently in Britain where an overconfident prime minister called a snap election in the hope of humiliating the opposition but end ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-16

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