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在上周分析社交平台公司Snap Inc.時提到,Scripps Networks Interactive(SN ...全文



俄羅斯媒體報道,近日俄羅斯海關把中國小米手機列入海關知識產權清單中,即是把所有從中國網購的小米手機退回原地,直 ...全文



今時今日,企業既要為股東賺取最高回報,又要履行社會責任,保護環境更是人人關心的議題。一向致力保護環境的香港電訊 ...全文


Women in the green economy

In Ghana, a group of enterprising women and young people is building bicycles out of an unlikely material: bamboo. Ten farmers grow the bamboo, and 25 builders craft it into environmentally friendly b ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-04


自從特朗普上場以後,做美國的敵人顯然比當美國的朋友好。且看朝鮮半島危機,北韓肥仔金又是核試又是試射導彈,弄得半 ...全文


New power deal: What it does to market competition

The Hong Kong government announced a new 15-year regulatory framework with the two power companies last week. Under the revised agreement, the amount the two suppliers are allowed to earn will be cut ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-02

Even Rex Tso can't beat property developers

There is something professional boxer Rex Tso cannot beat – Hong Kong's high property prices. The superflyweight champion, who has an amazing record of 21 wins and no losses, showed off his pugilistic ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-02

Trump opens door to North Korea meeting

US President Donald Trump has opened the door to meeting North Korea's Kim Jong Un, saying he would be honored to meet the young leader under the right circumstances, Reuters reports. This comes even  ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-02

美總統明言 環境合適願晤金正恩

特朗普昨天接受彭博資訊訪問時表示,如果環境合適,他願意會晤北韓最高領袖金正恩,屆時會有重大消息。他稱很多政界人 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月02日


被譽為「編碼天才」的以太坊(Ethereum)創辦人布特林(Vitalik Buterin),3月31日來科大 ...全文



「上善若水」專欄自2013年中至今,成立接近4年,以寫美股及價值投資為主,卻不以此為限,今期為趕上科網熱(Al ...全文



在香港有Link(領展),美國紐約也有Link,不過紐約的LinkNYC是由全市7500個電話亭變身而成的Wi ...全文


Going Dutch and the psychology of dating

You probably have heard the news about a date between two new friends at a Japanese barbecue restaurant in Mong Kok that ended up in a bitter scuffle and the filing of criminal charges due to a disput ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-27

How US, China can tackle the employment challenge

Donald Trump’s rise to power in the United States involved more than a little China-bashing. Yet, with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Trump’s Florida estate earlier this month, it seems that ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-27

In many homes, pets are replacing children

Taking a rest from serving customers in her restaurant, Leung Mei-ling opens her mobile phone. “Here is a photograph of Mother,” she says. “I visit her and have meals with her often. So do the people ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-25

Why investors shouldn't be excited about Apple-Disney merger

Rumors about a merger between Apple Inc. and Walt Disney have been circulating in the market for a couple of years. While neither has denied such a possibility, there has been no progress either. Rece ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-24

Why Hong Kong is so slow in adopting new technology

Outgoing Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has been keen on establishing and supporting the Innovation and Technology Bureau in a bid to deliver on his campaign promise to boost technology development i ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-18

Here is why Hong Kong has no shortage of tech talent

Hong Kong travel start-up Tink Labs has reportedly raised funds at a valuation of US$1 billion. The company was founded by a 25-year-old Hongkonger in 2012. This is just one example. The impressive id ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-11

Will Trump really serve China's president a Big Mac?

The meeting between Donald Trump and his Chinese counte ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2017年04月06日


過去兩星期去了D100電台兩次,是接受飲食寫作人陳俊偉先生邀請上他的飲食節目《來自星星美食》,與主持人分享京都 ...全文


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