
共 2410 個結果
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The truth about development aid

US President Donald Trump’s recently released 2018 budget blueprint proposes deep cuts in US foreign aid, prompting a discussion on the role of such spending in improving the health and well-being of ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-05

小工具幫你Work Smart

特首選舉已經塵埃落定,但早前特首選舉論壇引起網友熱論「辦公桌整潔度」、「無文件、無紙張」等話題仍未降溫。其實, ...全文


房策方向正確 宜確立時間表

早前行政長官梁振英發表最後一份《施政報告》,提出一系列房屋及土地規劃政策,包括增加未來短中長期住宅市場的供應量 ...全文


play smart, win smart

國際體壇最近出現一個新現象,對年長卻又有出色表現的球員,人們會稱之為「費達拿」。羅馬的40歲球星托迪,依然為球 ...全文


Will Trump really serve China’s president a Big Mac?

The meeting between Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, was announced barely a week before it was to be held, suggesting difficult problems ahead. Almost simultaneously, Trump tweete ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-03

直接交收簽約 消除中介人

區塊鏈(Blockchain)被喻為金融中介人的「終結者」。近年全球各行各業大力追捧這項嶄新技術,它不單能保存 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年04月03日


日本軟銀集團(SoftBank)旗下公司SB Drive,現正研發一款無人駕駛巴士,預計最快2020年試行載客 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年03月30日

退休投資 Save Hard不如Save Smart

積金局將推出預設投資策略(Default Investment Strategy,簡稱「預設投資」或DIS), ...全文


語音視像篩選人才 機械人助招聘快夾準

社交平台成為招聘新渠道,一方面僱主可對求職者「起底」;另一方面應徵者也可漁翁撒網,增加面試機會。本地就有初創企 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年03月23日

最後辯論 再批不獲跨政治光譜支持

3名特首候選人曾俊華、林鄭月娥與胡國興,昨晚出席由建制派及民主派選委共同籌辦的選舉論壇,是3人最後一次同台辯論 ...全文


Premier Li settles land lease concerns; HK still seeks clarity

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said the government is amending laws to extend the land use rights of residential properties “unconditionally and automatically” when they reach the end of the 70-year lease ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-17

Meet the smart spin doctor of John Tsang

If there's one clear winner from last night's debate between the chief executive hopefuls, it's not any of the three contenders themselves but rather someone else. It's Julian Law Wing-chung, the rela ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-15


在2011年的港珠澳大橋司法覆核中,高等法院原訟法官霍兆剛接納覆核的理據,判決港珠澳大橋環評不合要求,一度引起 ...全文


Narrowband IoT: New hope for China’s telecom giants

Some Chinese customers still have to pay roaming charges when they make calls to another province or city in the mainland. Premier Li Keqiang announced during the Two Sessions that such charges will b ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-08


股神畢非德掌舵的巴郡公司在2016年年報中,用了整整5頁篇幅來講述股神10年前做的一項投資決定,而這項投資實際 ...全文



股神畢非德掌舵的巴郡公司在2016年年報中,用了整整5頁篇幅來講述股神10年前做的一項投資決定,而這項投資實際 ...全文


Why Carrie Lam can only look forward to a pyrrhic victory

It seems that the democrats have finally learned something about tactics, with the result that they managed to have an impact on the alleged chief executive election that has impressively undermined t ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-03

Italian lardo from Florence: rich, creamy and intense

Once you step out on the streets of Florence, I bet you'd find it hard to resist going on a shopping spree. Who could when confronted with temptingly exquisite Prada shoes and Gucci bags with price ta ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-03

Care to innovate? Automate the boring stuff

Listening to CY Leung’s 2017 Policy Address in January, I was pleased to learn of the Hong Kong government’s proposed HK$18 billion investment in innovation and technology, which will help to subsidis ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-03

去年賺逾127億 澳洲勁漲1.2倍

中電(00002)在澳洲業務錄得強勁增長,帶動2016年純利達127.11億元,好過市場預期;因2015年出售 ...全文


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