
共 2410 個結果
頁數:1...90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ...121

Is Apple having a midlife crisis?

Apple Inc.'s iPhones may still be selling very well, particularly in countries like China, but some fans are getting a little worried and wonder if the tech leader is gradually losing its vitality. Th ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27

李建籲中資走出去smart buy

中資海外併購潮持續升溫, 體育娛樂行業已成為大佬們的新寵。內地7天連鎖酒店集團創辦人李建、鄭南雁日前聯手美資, ...全文


《易經》思考 槍械監控

有報道稱,雖然美國有監管條例,但槍械市場自由買賣,平均每個國民擁有超過10支槍械。最諷刺的是,每10個人中未必 ...全文


Robots taking over at major Chinese logistics firms

To handle the ever increasing volume of e-commerce, China’s logistics firms, which are crucial in executing orders and delivering them to customers in the shortest time, are undergoing a big transitio ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-23


貝萊德旗下iShares安碩宣布,將在6月29日推出6隻國際指數交易所買賣基金(ETF)在港掛牌,以實物複製形 ...全文


Samsung to invest US$1.2 bln in US for 'Internet of Things'

Samsung Electronics plans to invest US$1.2 billion in the United States over the next four years to support the development of technologies related to the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). The South ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-22


華碩Reco Smart 可作行車紀錄器或運動攝影機之用,f/1.8大光圈鏡頭,鏡頭視角達150度,可以錄製F ...全文



大巴黎地區交通管理公司,5月宣布了紙印地鐵票死期:2021年前後,巴黎城內外至第七環,交通票全部電磁化。本地人 ...全文



香港城市大學管理層發表早前校內活動中心綠化屋頂倒塌的調查報告,校方宣稱是源於承建商採用了錯誤數據,而計錯了屋頂 ...全文



市傳香港人壽的股權正在放售,香港人壽股東之一的上海商業銀行,其常務董事兼行政總裁郭錫志承認,確有不少投資銀行就 ...全文


When will our govt officials learn to move with the times?

The government recently made our city the laughing stock of the world by "reminding" electric car maker Tesla to remove the calendar app from the dashboard display of its vehicles sold in Hong Kong. T ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-14

How this venture fund picks internet of things startups

Internet of things is a huge topic. Some developers such as makers of smart meters are dedicated to solving business problems. Others focus on making products consumers can use in day-to-day life. The ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-13


現代都市人生活節奏急促,工作上往往要同時處理多項任務(multi-tasking),理財時自然亦希望同樣可以用 ...全文



現代都市人生活節奏急促,工作上往往要同時處理多項任務,理財時自然亦希望同樣可以用一個方案就能達到多重目標。只要 ...全文


Why lean times can be a blessing in disguise for SMEs

Numerous small and medium-sized enterprises manufacturing in the mainland have reported increasing challenges from rising costs and slackening demand. But some experts point out these lean times may f ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-10

Why is this man representing Hong Kong at the Rio Olympics?

Most people outside Television Broadcasts Ltd. (00511.HK) scratched their heads when Natalis “Nat” Chan Pak-cheung was picked as the torchbearer for Hong Kong in the torch relay this week for this yea ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-10

Why aren't government officials speaking up for Denise Ho?

It's sad for Hongkongers that their government officials don't have the courage to speak out in support of pop singer Denise Ho Wan-see after Lancôme cancelled a promotional event where she was to per ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-08

迷你流動影音裝置 隨時煲劇 隨身打機

近年「流動娛樂」周邊產品層出不窮,如迷你投影機、喇叭等,務求將流動影音推向更高的享受層次。 在韓風吹得正盛下, ...全文



讀者若有留意美股每日的走勢,可以發現道指或標指等,不時出現上午市況表現欠佳,下午臨收市前段收復大部分失地,甚至 ...全文


Why innovations are not driving productivity growth

Since the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, productivity growth in three advanced economies -- the United States, Europe, and Japan -- has been very slow both in absolute terms and relative to ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-06

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