
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150


... 甘迺迪政府內幕的著作The Dark Side of Camelot【圖】,惟內容受質疑後,在整個章節出版前移 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2023年03月04日

Inside Out:Harbour and the City

... rbour and the City」共創藝術活動,以相片記錄快樂時刻。該企劃以獨特設計手法,因應不同社會議題 ...全文


嘉里跑馬地THE ASTER租轉賣 698呎2房連傢俬出售

【信報睇盤】嘉里跑馬地THE ASTER租轉賣 698呎2房連傢俬出售 樓市回暖,有發展商將旗下出租住宅物業出 ...影片


Adopt proactive cyber defense strategy in the post-pandemic era

The recent reopening of Hong Kong-Mainland cross-border and neighboring Asian countries accelerated the recovery of economy and led digital transformation across different industry verticals. With the ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03

Trouble with carbon markets

In January, it was revealed that as much as 90% of the carbon credits approved by one of the world’s largest certifiers may be phantom, thus not representing actual reductions of carbon in the atmosph ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03

The way we speak about our youth is fundamentally flawed

There are few societies in which I am as conscious of my age, as in Hong Kong. “A twenty-five year old…”, “A youth academic”, “A youth writer”… So on and so forth, you get the gist and I get the drill ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03

Are Russian oil prices being rigged?

In 2012, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission grabbed international attention by investigating the manipulation of LIBOR, Euribor, and other interest-rate benchmarks. By 2015, the CFTC had fined s ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03

NOVO LAND 2B期收10691票半年最多

... 園的會所已正式啟用,The Manor會所由2萬方呎室內空間、2萬方呎綠化園林及9000方呎室外空間組成,設施 ...全文


債務永留傳 美國政府陷持久戰

... ghts from the Frontline)是目前全球發布範圍最廣的投資通訊,擁有過百萬讀者。John M ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2023年03月03日


... medium is the message,訊息是好的,品味卻近乎刺眼,度橋的要深切反省。 人被這些難受資訊不 ...全文


海茵莊園累售647單位 套現逾36億

... 英式莊園為藍本,項目The Manor會所由2萬方呎室內空間、2萬方呎綠化園林及9000方呎室外空間組成,設施 ...全文


港產區塊鏈獨角獸Animoca Brands擬進軍中東

... 項投資組合,其中包括The Sandbox、Decentraland等元宇宙平台。 ...全文



美國新聞媒體The Information引述消息人士報道,抖音國際版TikTok已與蘋果公司及谷歌展開協商, ...全文


The UN must not be powerless

The first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been a good opportunity to reflect on the war’s global implications. In addition to untold human misery, Russia’s aggression triggered a histo ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-02

陳浩濂:環球利率升 發短債平衡風險

... 底舉辦「裕澤香江」(The Wealth for Good)高峰論壇,吸引家族辦公室來港。陳浩濂透露,除了本地 ...全文


Development banks must embrace nuclear energy

Multilateral development banks (MDBs) have historically been reluctant to invest in nuclear energy, and the World Bank has not financed a nuclear power plant since 1959. In the absence of MDB funds, t ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-02

What is love?

“Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove” Shakespeare once quipped. But in my eyes, love must necessarily alter when it alteration finds. For love ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-02

【30天免費閱讀】AI橫行 創新創意是人類唯一再生術

... School of the University of Pennsylvania)「創業及創新」課程的教授伊森 ...全文


數據「生意經」 助攻「老中小微企」

... 油(data is the new oil),這句大數據(big data)名言,意思就是像石油一樣,數據極具 ...全文


Hello, Dior 999! Goodbye, N95!

Five and nine are the two numbers to remember about the three-year-long pandemic in Hong Kong. Today finally marks the end of the mask mandate, known as the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-01

頁數:1...142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

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