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房地產研究機構克而瑞最新統計數據顯示,中國百強房企5月實現銷售操盤金額3224億元(人民幣.下同),按月轉增3 ...全文


China’s tobacco epidemic rages on

Tobacco consumption is falling in most countries – but, in China, production and taxes last year rose to record levels, and exports are rising. One third of all the cigarettes smoked in the world are ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-28

Emerging trend of construction sector

From 2020 to 2060, the world is expected to add about 2.6 trillion square feet (241 billion square meters) of floor area, equivalent to an entire New York City, to the world every month for 40 years. ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-27

Is there life on Mars?

...  biologist. Yet I have received some (limited) training in a discipline that allows me to muse over questions beyond the “surly bonds of the Earth”. Indeed, in lieu of directly answering the question, ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-26


... 造了216億元(美元.下同)的自由現金流。公司在歷史上首次宣布並派發了25億元股息,並回購了125億元的股票, ...全文


Hong Kong, Macao SMEs asked to apply for Deignan Award

The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Hong Kong and Macau were invited to apply for the Second Deignan Award for Responsible Entrepreneurship, named for a famous Irish Jesuit priest.A Launch Cere ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-23

四川成渝高速公路(00107) 股東周年大會的結果 / 股息或分派 / 更換核數師

四川成渝高速公路(00107) 一. 2023年年度股東大會投票表決結果;二. 派發H股2023年度末期股息; ...全文



... d decrease...Science news is usually assimilated, i.e., ...全文


New normal of business travel

Although the pandemic is over, its impact is still ongoing. The travel pattern of business trips, for example, is not the same as it was before 2020. According to a January membership survey conducted ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-20

Xi, EU remain far apart on over-capacity, Putin

... imir Putin. In his first visit to Western Europe for ne ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年05月17日

On Eurovision 2024

...  and music. Some would attribute its cross-sectional appeal to the overwhelming inundation and fanfare of info-commercials. Others would cite the enduring historical legacy and reputation of the show ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-14


中國人民銀行公布,為維護銀行體系流動性合理充裕,今日開展20億元(人民幣.下同)7天期逆回購操作,利率仍持穩在 ...全文


胡杏兒︰每天都是母親節 周大福LOVE, MOTHER

. 作為母親,母愛如火般熾熱溫暖,對外可以是事業女性,對內卻能化身為溫柔婉約 的可人兒,就如三子之母的視后胡杏兒。早前她跟兒子Brendan首次以母子檔拍攝 周大福的珠寶廣告,共同演繹周大福母親節專屬珠寶——傳福系列Rouge Collection, 展現出母子間的溫暖情懷。 TEXT BY MIU LAUHair by Lorraine lam @hair cultureMake by Dani ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-10


港鐵交代多項新鐵路項目最新進展,其中東涌線延線、屯門南延線、東鐵線古洞站及小蠔灣站去年開始已陸續動工,至於屯馬 ...全文


Work hard or work smart?

I have long grappled with a quandary to which I have – perhaps unsurprisingly – very little solid ground to fall back on in answering. Indeed, this is a quandary that is shared by many of my fellow ac ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-09

On the Ethics of Protests and Why History Has Its Eyes on You

... d impunity. The following is not directed towards any of these protest movements in a sui generis manner. Indeed, the objective here is to ascertain, and devise generally applicable principles that ca ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-09

Xi, EU remain far apart on over-capacity, Putin

... imir Putin. In his first visit to Western Europe for nearly five years, Xi chose France as his first stop. The other two were Serbia and Hungary, the countries in Europe with which Beijing has the war ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-08

港股反覆向好曾升127點 滙控重越70關 龍湖急挫

... 556,升76點或0.4%;國指升0.5%,報6558;科指升0.5%,報3942。 大市成交351.98億元 ...全文


Strengthening communication is conducive to settling disputes

...  solutions. It's worth our attention. While working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, Berners-Lee developed an online workspace to facilitate the exchang ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-06

What drives you?

“What drives you?” All eyes were on me – the instructor at the front of the class. Before me were thirty eager high-schoolers, ambitious and aspiring, bushy-eyed and cherubic yet by no means naïve. Th ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-03

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