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... 子。」(Say it. Say it. The universe is made of stories, no ...全文

今日信報時事評論龍虎山下李韓哲 李晉2023年10月25日

Mideast war threatens China’s economic relations with Israel

The growing war in the Middle East and China’s strong support for the Palestinian side threatens its booming economic relations with Israel. In 2022, Israel’s trade with China reached US$21.08 billion ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-24

Green property tech is emerging

The inaugural Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 2023 (“the Challenge”) came to a successful conclusion in July this year. As one of the judges, I was very happy with the creative solutions of the par ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-24

四川成渝高速公路(00107) 更換董事或重要行政職能或職責的變更

四川成渝高速公路(00107) 一.董事長、執行董事、戰略委員會主任委員、提名委員會委員及授權代表辭任;及 二 ...全文


The case for civil unions for same-sex couples

... pronounced. The Court of Final Appeal's ruling pertained to the government's failure to establish an alternative framework that recognises same-sex relationships. The court urged the government to cre ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-20

Imposter syndrome is real

I have always felt like an impostor of sorts. From a young age, when I’d take to the stage at a debating competition, only to find myself waiting with trepidation and hoping for the best in the result ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-19

Governing the right to food

... e Cold War. The Declaration, adopted in 1948, upheld a series of basic rights, including to adequate food. States have the duty to protect, respect, and fulfill such rights and can be called to accoun ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-18

Navigating AI risks in Asia

The adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in businesses’ workforce and operations has grown exponentially and led to transformational opportunities. However, AI poses unique legal and et ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-17

The binary temptation

Moral equivalence – the treatment of two (or more) parties as if they bore equal degrees of moral blameworthiness and wrongness in their actions, attitudes, and intentions. The claim that two (or more ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-13


... 法律學者Cass R. Sunstein在1999年提出的概念【註1】,應用範圍甚廣,除了可以解釋個別事件如何 ...全文


Too many typhoon suspensions?

No one can control natural disasters but that does not mean we cannot handle them in a smarter way. Almost every time a typhoon hits Hong Kong, there will be guaranteed finger-pointing to the governme ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-11

開市焦點:期指升返萬八關高水365點 憧憬內地強力救市

... 9點,升134點或0.4%;納指收報13562點,升78點或0.58%;標普500指數收報4358點,升22點 ...全文



港大今日舉行特別校委會會議,處理校長張翔被指未經招標更換校長座駕、聘美國獵頭公司物色副校長等職位,以及處理捐款 ...全文


The man who made China a literate nation

When young mainland children arrive in primary school, they go to a Chinese class. The professor teaches them not characters but Pinyin, an alphabet using Roman letters with four different tones. Once ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-09

【異動股】中免曾插5.6% 懶理上季盈利大升

中國中免(01880)上季盈利大升93%,但股價急挫,一度低見93元,插5.6%,新造96元,仍跌2.5%,成 ...全文


開市焦點:港股下午2時復市 以巴開戰 油價升道期跌

... 死。紐約期油最新升4.1%報每桶86.19美元。美股指數期貨下挫,道指期貨今早最新挫逾兩百點,報33204;納 ...全文



... apes,其中李曉川.樂者、Richard Bona及Nduduzo Makhathini的演出將提早於今天下 ...全文


The Rise of AI – Navigating AI risks in Asia

The adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in businesses’ workforce and operations has grown exponentially and led to transformational opportunities. However, AI poses unique legal and et ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-06

The world’s shrinking labour force

Labour shortages are widespread across major economies. Thanks to an ageing population and a shift in attitudes towards immigration, labour shortage are here to stay, with profound implications for th ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-06

UK cities declare bankruptcy

On September 5, Birmingham, Britain’s second largest city, declared bankruptcy due to "unprecedented financial challenges". It made headlines around the world – the city was a centre of manufacturing ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-06

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