
共 3000 個結果
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Inequality and democracy

There has been much handwringing about the retreat of democracy and the rise of authoritarianism in recent years – and for good reason. From Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to former Brazilian P ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-05

The siren song of big history

Behind today’s global disorder are two related narratives about countries’ relative strengths and weaknesses in the competition for global power. One is about the long-term rise and fall of nations an ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-04

日排核污水後 近海氚濃度首達檢測下限

... 海水樣本,氚濃度為2.6貝克。至於其他9個地點的海水樣本,氚濃度未達到檢測下限。 東電表示,樣本的氚濃度上升是 ...全文


Closing the clean-tech gap

In the debate about how to curb global warming, climate action is often confused for climate justice. Many European countries (including the United Kingdom) have taken to self-flagellation, atoning fo ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-01

Britain’s turn against championing media freedom

In July 2019, the United Kingdom’s foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, launched a global campaign for media freedom at a London conference co-organized by the Canadian government. “Today, we are joined by ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-01


... industries. In a model of geographic heterogeneity in s ...全文


Understanding a country fully

To understand a country fully, requires us to understand its government, its economy, its people, and the underlying propositions that a) no country is identical, and b) no country is a monolith. The ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-31

The straw that could hurt Camel Paint Building

...  think of”. This treasure-hunting spot is the Camel Paint Building, which stole the media limelight after a famous rice noodle shop Kwong Wing Mixian was ordered to shut down because it did not have t ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-30

What personal qualities do we need in the future?

With a lack of ground-breaking technological innovation over the past few decades in the highly industrialised countries, the labour productivity growth there has diminished. This is the conclusion of ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-30

Why should we care about the philosophy of AI?

...  zeitgeist. There’s no escape from it - not just as a concept, but also on a substantive level: from the applications we use to the snazzier home appliances that we may have installed, AI is likely to ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-30

The fossil-fuel industry’s obstructionist climate-change tactics

... narratives. The fossil-fuel industry is a prime example. In a desperate effort to deflect attention from their historical responsibility for climate change, oil and gas companies have been touting var ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-30


... 估計平均每年高達約1.3萬億美元,相當於世界本地生產總值(GDP)的0.2%左右。2018年加州森林大火的損失 ...全文

今日信報時事評論龍虎山下謝國生 何敏淙2023年08月30日

【異動股】光大環境午後曾飆逾5% 中績僅微跌

光大環境(00257)業績僅輕微倒退,股價午後抽上,一度高見2.88元,抽升5.1%,現仍揚4.7%,造2.8 ...全文


【異動股】比亞迪升2% 上半年多賺逾兩倍

上半年多賺逾兩倍比亞迪(01211),推動股價今早一度升2%,高見229.8元,新造229.4元,仍升1.9% ...全文


When will genuine autonomous driving come true?

In the BYD 2022 annual report communication meeting, Chairman of the carmaker Wang Chuanfu considered autonomous driving (AD) as impractical and misleading, saying that it was a “false promise”. He be ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-29

Does an expanded BRICS mean anything?

When I coined the BRIC acronym back in 2001, my primary point was that global governance would need to adjust to incorporate the world’s largest emerging economies. Not only did Brazil, Russia, India, ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-28

The lessons we should have learnt from McCarthyism

In February 1950, then Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (a junior senator from Wisconsin) declared that there were 205 card-carrying Communists employed in the US Department of State. With irreverent noncha ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-28

開市焦點:A股印花稅突減半 期指高開434點 恒大復牌

內地再出招救市,證券交易印花稅今起減半徵收,內地股市表現備受關注,即月期指高開434點或2.3%報18388。 ...全文


康龍化成中期盈利增34.3% 不派息

康龍化成(03759)公布,截至6月底止中期盈利7.86億元(人民幣.下同),按年增長34.3%;每股盈利0. ...全文


太保中期少賺8.7% 新業務價值增31.5%

中國太保(02601)公布,截至6月底止半年股東應佔淨利潤183.32億元(人民幣.下同),按年下跌8.7%。 ...全文


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