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The calm before the exchange-rate storm?

With alternative assets such as gold and Bitcoin thriving in the pandemic, some top economists are predicting a sharp fall in the US dollar. This could yet happen. But so far, despite inconsistent US ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-11

THE SHARP蝕1460萬沽 前漫畫家祁文傑接貨

銅鑼灣銀座式商廈THE SHARP中層全層單位,以3280萬元售出,原業主勁蝕1460萬元離場,新買家為前漫畫 ...全文


COVID-19 to turbocharge HK’s fintech revolution

... ught into sharp relief the need for greater technological deployment within the financial sector. Mobile banking, online support, and digital transactions—including digital payments and transfers have ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-02

Solid macro momentum supports equities

... iven by a sharp re-rating in equities. The US P/E on 12-month forward EPS has been re-rated by 80% to a 20-year high of 23.5x. This may seem extreme at first, but is primarily a consequence of the sha ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-30

China’s appetite for meat still growing

... es made a sharp series of multi-day rallies, rising by 22% over a two-week period to reach a near-two year high. The trigger was a U.S. Export Sales report released on March 7, 2019 showing China had ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-15

The long and winding working hours

... or with a sharp gain in share price, thanks to the pandemic-spurred surge in online shopping activities. But competition from rivals JD.com and Alibaba Group has been intensifying. Pinduoduo is curren ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-14

Unrest, security law encourages Hong Kong people to emigrate

...  report a sharp increase in inquiries. Newspapers are full of advertisements for emigration seminars and properties in migrant countries, including Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, UK, I ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-12

【異動股】中集天達復牌飆13% 獲溢價兩成提私有化

... 集(02039)旗下Sharp Vision透過計劃安排方式提出私有化,股份將撤銷上市地位。 每股作價現金0. ...全文



... 集(02039)旗下Sharp Vision透過計劃安排方式提出私有化,股份將撤銷上市地位。 每股作價現金0. ...全文


Zero new student in one of Hong Kong’s oldest journalism schools

... t year, a sharp contrast to over 100 students in a graduated class. To be fair, the journalism department is not the only one that recorded zero intake this year. The drop in the number of mainland st ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-29

歐陸貿易中心全層1.5億易主 跌價28%

... 灣銀座式商廈THE SHARP 8樓全層,建築面積約1580方呎,以每月5.53萬元租出,呎租約35元。單位於 ...全文


The misplaced love for HSBC

... ion is in sharp contrast to HSBC, which made a handsome profit when it sold its Ping An stake in 2012 after a decade-long investment period. A lot were said about how awkward HSBC has been caught betw ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-23


... urne in C-sharp Minor。 二○○二年電影《鋼琴戰曲》最感人一幕,莫過於飾演波蘭猶太裔鋼琴家 ...全文


The COVID silver linings

... ine – the sharp reduction in harmful emissions during the current crisis has provided clear evidence that a new way is possible. And it is now widely accepted that governments have an important role t ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-17

China economy continues to recover steadily

... PMI saw a sharp 0.8pp increment to 55.2 in August. The improvement was driven by stronger services PMI which went up 1.2pp to 54.3, reflecting stronger activities in accommodation, travel, catering an ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-16

America’s COVID election

... across in sharp contrast with the empathy-free Trump, and the Democrats are using this effectively. Biden’s choice of US Senator Kamala Harris – the daughter of an Indian mother and Jamaican father – ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-15

How to save nine million children

... ocumented sharp declines in the number of children with severe pneumonia caused by the pneumococcus bacteria. Such progress reflects both direct protection of those who are vaccinated and the developm ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-14


... 2億港元)售予聲寶(Sharp),以籌集資金償還拖欠蘋果公司的債務。 另外,還將上述工廠的液晶面板生產設備以2 ...全文


A tale of two crises: Covid-19 and plastic waste

... reating a sharp increase in the use of disposable plastic tablewares. A survey by a local green group Greeners Action over the first week of April suggested that the volume of single-use plastics for ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-26

金朝陽平三成重售THE SHARP

... 灣銀座式商廈THE SHARP最後一個撻訂貨尾32樓全層,作價僅3473.8萬元,較7年前賣平逾三成。 撻訂貨 ...全文


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