
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...150

Salute to Mr Chair, artist and activist

... t giants. Park'n Shop listened and immediately responded. His next target is AS Watson which provides chairs for its pharmacists but not its cashiers. Last month, Ching also won a victory for cashiers ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-22


... 地(00016)元朗PARK YOHO Venezia昨天發出銷售安排,下周二(27日)將推出4個連平台特色戶 ...全文


Wild boar sends airport police into tizzy

...  aircraft parking area. The alarmed workers alerted the airport police immediately as they were afraid the animal might go onto the runway and disrupt arriving or departing flights, the Hong Kong Econ ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-21


... 16)本月重推的元朗PARK YOHO Venezia錄得「加辣」後首宗撻訂,為5B座2樓B室,以成交價659 ...全文


How HK can unleash the power of big data

... e Science Park to promote big data. Building on that good basis, the long-term growth and success of big data has to be driven by closer strategic collaborations between the government, universities a ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-20


電影《侏羅紀公園》(Jurassic Park)裏,科學家在琥珀中找到曾吸啜恐龍血的蚊子,令不少影迷記憶猶新; ...全文


新盤沽逾90伙 浪澄灣佔七成

... 內另一個重推樓盤元朗PARK YOHO Venezia,市傳售出約6至7伙。 貨尾為主 按周挫三成 綜合市場消 ...全文



...  National Park)內,滿目翠綠樹海。加州的巨杉可算是世界上最高大的樹木,普遍可生長達76米高(約2 ...全文



... 地(00016)元朗PARK YOHO Venezia 6A座15樓A室,實用面積1402方呎,連286方呎平 ...全文


冬遊倫敦 大異其趣

...  海德公園Hyde Park的Winter Wonderland冬季遊樂園,今年已舉辦到第十年,跟一般歐洲聖誕 ...全文


Ocean Park needs to rethink its business strategy

Ocean Park gets roughly the same number of visitors as Hong Kong Disneyland, but its income has been anything but similar to that of the rival. The marine-themed tourist attraction said last week that ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-12

土超賽事後爆兩炸彈 38死百五傷
庫族承認責任 政府矢言報復

... 卡公園(Macka Park)再傳出爆炸聲,一名自殺式襲擊者被警員包圍,隨即引爆身上炸藥。調查人員估計,犯案者 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年12月12日

What the Pub(上)

... President Park啦! 但Johnson怎會認衰仔?臨走前不忘撈個尾彩,挑機主持人Dermot Mu ...全文



... 地(00016)元朗PARK YOHO Venezia昨天發售10伙,共售8伙,一組買家大手購入5B座兩個A室 ...全文


The Avenue毗鄰地上鐵路站

... ondesbury Park地上鐵路站(Overground)僅需2分鐘,去Kilburn地鐵站約11分鐘步程 ...全文


外倫敦新盤低水 香港公屋價

... utt & Parker研究部主管Stephanie McMahon指出,英國自6月底公投決定脫歐後, ...全文


A Guangzhou master chef and his dedicated offerings

... our trip, Park Hyatt Guangzhou, a 5-star luxury hotel, was a natural choice for us. The five restaurants we were visiting were all in line with our theme: traditional rural cuisine. In Day 1, we start ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-09

S Korea parliament votes to impeach President Park

South Korean lawmakers on Friday passed an impeachment motion against President Park Geun-hye over an influence-peddling scandal that has sparked public anger and fueled huge street protests. Members ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-09

Police launch manhunt after boy, 5, slashed in back of neck

... ding to a park with his 62-year-old grandmother after school, Apple Daily reports. As they were on a sidewalk across the Tin Sau Stop of MTR Light Rail, the grandmother, who was ahead of the boy, sudd ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-09

Ocean Park to raise ticket prices after record deficit

Ocean Park, Hong Kong's popular marine-themed tourist attraction, announced plans to raise ticket prices after suffering its biggest deficit in nearly 30 years.  The company said it will hike the admi ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-08

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