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Retailer golden rule: Master 4-3-2-1

... d a local landmark that everybody notices. Step 2: Get to know the market In the early 2010s, when the retail market was booming, landlords were hungry for watch and jewellery businesses that were wil ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

Pentagon chief says US alliance with Philippines 'ironclad'

... hrough a "landmark" recent agreement, "the United States is supporting the modernization of the Philippine Armed Forces", he said. Duterte has engaged in near-daily outbursts against the US for the la ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

Discover the charms of Wang Chau island

... t notable landmark is the Wang Chau Kok Cave (橫洲角洞) in the eastern part of the island. Dubbed as one of the famous "Four Sea Arches", the sea cave is spacious enough for a small boat to go through whe ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-23

飽覽悉尼大橋迷人景色 獨有奢華配置
St . Leonards區天際豪宅 彰顯尊貴身份

位處悉尼北岸St. Leonards區的唯一天際豪庭-The Landmark,坐落於悉尼傳統富人區及高端住宅 ...全文


US, China ratify Paris climate deal

China and the United States have ratified the Paris agreement to cut climate-warming emissions. The world's two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases made the landmark announcement on Saturday as heads ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-05

New gustatory delights in old familiar places in Central

... g mall is Landmark in Central. Café Landmark, situated at the atrium of the mall, is my top choice for breakfast. I bet it is the only place where you can sun yourself without soaking in sweat, thanks ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-26

Beijing paving the way for stricter Article 23 implementation

... ll have a landmark case for the future implementation of Article 23. -- Contact us at [email protected] SC/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-18

A great but demanding trek in northeastern New Territories

... he famous landmark "Devil's Fist" reaching out from the sea. The "wrist" is only visible above the surface at low tide. Getting there: To go to/return from Wu Kau Tang: Take minibus route 20C at Tai P ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-12

Vietnam moves rocket launchers into South China Sea: sources

... ke of the landmark international court ruling against China in an arbitration case brought by the Philippines, foreign envoys said. The ruling last month, stridently rejected by Beijing, found no lega ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-10

Iran executes nuclear scientist for spying for US

... reached a landmark deal last year, under which Iran agreed to limit its nuclear program in such a way as to ensure it cannot develop nuclear weapons in exchange for a lifting of economic sanctions. – ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-08

India moves step closer to GST in landmark reform

India's upper house of parliament on Wednesday cleared a key tax bill, helping the nation move a major step closer to implementing a unified goods and services tax (GST) regime in the country. The GST ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-04

Five fun facts about Pok Fu Lam

... any other landmarks in its large country park with access to paths all across Hong Kong. On a nice day, there are plenty of walks to be had with the whole family, including Waterfall Bay Park, a site ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-03

Mainland protesters pick wrong target in anti-US backlash

... e case, a landmark victory.   Translation by Chloe Chow -- Contact us at [email protected] CC/DY/RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-21

Why The Hague arbitration tribunal is influential

... led was a landmark in international relations. Also, the PCA's 1913 decision over colonial boundaries in Timor Island between Netherlands and Portugal is a textbook case on what principles should be a ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-21

Arbitration setback: Beijing could have avoided the humiliation

... d another landmark victory as lawyer for Uruguay in a case filed by tobacco giant Philip Morris against the South American country for its strenuous legislation and government-led campaigns against sm ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-19

Why young investors are turning to US stocks

... e giant's landmark IPO in New York. "You can sue the company, together with other investors, even if you only bought just one lot of shares," Andy notes. "And many legal firms volunteer to help small ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-15


... E東麻布是東京區都心landmark 物業發展項目,位處東京高級地段、港區的中心位置,毗鄰東京鐵塔,在六本木區 ...全文



... E東麻布是東京區都心landmark 物業發展項目,位處東京高級地段、港區的中心位置,毗鄰東京鐵塔,在六本木區 ...全文


Waldorf hotel to be gutted and rebuilt into condos

...  American landmark for three years to give way to an extensive overhaul of up to three-quarters of its rooms by its Chinese owners, the Wall Street Journal reports. Anbang Insurance Group Co. will clo ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27

Shanghai Disney can’t wait to expand as it opens its gates

...  featured landmark Broadway musical The Lion King and the traditional Peking Opera. A fireworks display scheduled for the night was canceled due to heavy rain, however. Iger pledged to build Shanghai ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-16

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