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... ning Part One),全球票房才四點九億。 可是,無論社會價值觀如何改變,我們的﹁大台﹂仍然秉承一貫傳 ...全文



... 大賣的MONACO ONE,首推月份溢價只有8%,而同期銷情稍遜的The YOHO Hub,其溢價則高達31% ...全文

今日信報時事評論龍虎山下何志培 曹曦月 謝浩志2023年08月09日


... p、Capital One Financial Corp.、Citizens Financial Group ...全文


The whale

... e we are done with it, and it is of no ‘further use’. We didn’t have to ram a high-speed boat into the whale, piercing its skin, splintering its organs, and killing it in the process. There is no intr ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-08

MONACO ONE低層兩房2萬租出

九龍東啟德MONACO ONE 2A座低層F室,實用面積444方呎,2房間隔,座向西北方,望開揚園景,以2萬元 ...全文


Hong Kong needs to protect its image as financial center

... reward of one million Hong Kong dollars apiece [US$128,000] for information leading to their arrest. Their crime? According to the police, they had violated various provisions of the National Security ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07

Euro rebounds against US dollar: Rates, inflation trends diverge

...  7%. Eurozone core inflation has risen towards 5.4% while the U.S. core consumer price index (CPI) has been falling towards 4.8%, down from a peak of 6.6% last year. What’s even more remarkable is tha ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07


... tself and one that many soldiers have believed and stru ...全文


One Innovale低層一房1萬租出

粉嶺One Innovale 2期C座低層16室,實用面積286方呎,1房間隔,以1萬元租出,實用呎租35元。 ...全文


Slow burn Minsky moments and what to do about them

... ts today. One of the easiest tail risk hedges to protect against this kind of looming crisis is to hold cash. However, many seem to suffer FOMO and thus cash is often shunned, although with cash rates ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-04

Investment theory in practice

... fe, since one also must pay commissions and deal with the price pressures of rebalancing one’s portfolio by selling winners and buying losers. Taxes, too, would take a big cut. They would be levied on ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-03

Why taxi license is not taking off

How bad is the local economy? One can track through many leading and lagging economic indicators but perhaps it is easier to have a ride chat with a local taxi driver. It is quite clear the taxi busin ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-03

For the love of Trump

... ording to one recent poll, he is 37 percentage points ahead of his closest rival, Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida. That the former president might end up in prison doesn’t seem to bother his sup ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-03

GREENWICH累收420票 超額4倍

... 東啟德MONACO ONE發展項目的MONACO MARINE自6月中取得滿意紙後,共錄得10宗成交。 該項目 ...全文


MONACO MARINE累售351戶 按銷情加推

會德豐地產九龍東啟德MONACO ONE發展項目的MONACO MARINE累售351伙,會按銷情逐步加推單位 ...全文


Israel’s slippery slope

...  the kind one finds in Turkey and Hungary. The long-term damage to the economy could be so severe that, if the governing coalition’s judicial coup continues, this vaunted “start-up nation” could turn ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-02


恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目首階段BAKER CIRCLE ONE第三期BAKER CIRCLE.G ...全文


How to scrap fuel subsidies

... national Monetary Fund advocates a gradual phase-out of fuel subsidies coupled with targeted measures to protect the most vulnerable. But when governments lack experience with implementing social safe ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-01

DPP’s Lai set to win Taiwan presidency

... r war and one for the KMT is a vote for peace. Beijing strongly favours the KMT candidate. In March this year, it laid out the red carpet for Ma Ying-jeou during a visit to the mainland. KMT President ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-01

Can the West adjust to the irresistible rise of 'the Rest'?

... a, and Indonesia will equal $116.7 trillion – 49% of GDP – making it three times larger than the US economy. This should not be particularly surprising, not least because non-Western countries are hom ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31

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