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MONACO MARINE累售351戶 按銷情加推

會德豐地產九龍東啟德MONACO ONE發展項目的MONACO MARINE累售351伙,會按銷情逐步加推單位 ...全文


Israel’s slippery slope

...  the kind one finds in Turkey and Hungary. The long-term damage to the economy could be so severe that, if the governing coalition’s judicial coup continues, this vaunted “start-up nation” could turn ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-02


恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目首階段BAKER CIRCLE ONE第三期BAKER CIRCLE.G ...全文


How to scrap fuel subsidies

... national Monetary Fund advocates a gradual phase-out of fuel subsidies coupled with targeted measures to protect the most vulnerable. But when governments lack experience with implementing social safe ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-01

DPP’s Lai set to win Taiwan presidency

... r war and one for the KMT is a vote for peace. Beijing strongly favours the KMT candidate. In March this year, it laid out the red carpet for Ma Ying-jeou during a visit to the mainland. KMT President ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-01

Can the West adjust to the irresistible rise of 'the Rest'?

... a, and Indonesia will equal $116.7 trillion – 49% of GDP – making it three times larger than the US economy. This should not be particularly surprising, not least because non-Western countries are hom ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31

Why are we so unhappy?

... ven close ones, interact - for such comparisons enable them to convey the largest volume of information using the least amount of time. Contrast someone spending thirty minutes unpacking the challenge ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31


以色列總理內塔尼亞胡周日在內閣會議上宣布推出「一個以色列計劃」(One Israel Project),預計耗 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年07月31日

葉劉:待取信中央 政改才見轉機
新階段須重塑 「可能有人永遠唔服氣」

... to square one,還原基本步」,至少等到「中央要信得過選出嚟嘅人唔係外國代理人」,才有轉機。 葉劉淑 ...全文



恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目首階段BAKER CIRCLE ONE第三期BAKER CIRCLE.G ...全文


GREENWICH明起收票 最快周末加推

恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目首階段BAKER CIRCLE ONE第三期BAKER CIRCLE.G ...全文


The power breakers

... ons questioned, the grounds on which a decision can be invalidated by way of JR are limited. Aside from where the decision-maker is the sole judge of the propriety of the act and has a vested interest ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

The T-shaped model of learning

In thinking about how we learn best, I have come to the (plausibly premature) view that learning is best conducted through a ‘T’ paradigm - one that combines the vertical strip (delving deeply into a ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

How should Japan respond to inflation?

In the fall of 2021, monetary economists in the United States were sharply divided between those who believed that high inflation would be short-lived (Team Transitory) and those who insisted it was h ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

紅磡GREENWICH呎價18928 半年平一成
加息後搶閘開價 11伙400萬有找



盛滙7500萬購One Eighty三舖

舖位交投轉趨淡靜,放售中的舖位須大幅降價始能成功售出。老牌發展商林氏家族旗下筲箕灣單幢樓One Eighty的 ...全文



中原地產分行經理施蒂文說,九龍東啟德MONACO ONE的2A座低層F室,實用面積444方呎2房,月租2000 ...全文


GREENWICH首批56伙 折實367萬起

恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目首階段BAKER CIRCLE ONE第三期BAKER CIRCLE.G ...全文


Challenges TSMC’s Phoenix plant faces

... nsidering one in Germany. At the briefing last week, TSMC announced consolidated revenue of NT$480.84 billion, net income of NT$181.80 billion, and diluted earnings per share of NT$7.01 (US$1.14 per A ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-27

India: Prepared for takeoff

... et is now one of the fastest growing in the world. Analysts expect related government spending to reach nearly US$12 billion by 2025 to boost regional connectivity, with plans to modernize existing fa ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-27

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